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External funding

The Department supports externally funded projects that are in line with the academic priorities.

Approval process

All new projects have to be approved by the Head of Department before submission. The department head assess the legal and financial implications of the project and if the project is in line with academic priorities.

The research administration will assist the applicants with the approval process. All applicants must complete this online form at least 6 weeks prior to planned submission ( for larger projects at least 3 months before). This will give sufficient time to plan the support of applications and budgets.

More information is often ready on budget, personal needs and collaborating partners in a later stage of the projects. The Head of Department will based on this take a last assessment if the application can be supported.

The following information may be relevant in the approval process:

  • Academic contect /topic /title
  • Role in the project (coordinator or partner)
  • Type of call (RCN, DIKU, EU, ERA, JPI, centre, foundations, UiO-calls etc.)
  • Personal needs (PSI-participants and type of employments)
  • Budget (max. amount, self-funding etc.)
  • Project start and project duration
  • Applicaton deadline or delivery deadline

All applications should be approved by the management two weeks before deadline.


Most calls today are directed towards established researchers/ educators. 

Academic staff in permanent position can follow the abovementioned approval process.

Temporary academic staff (postdocs, researchers, lecturers) should first discuss this with their group leader and/ or Head of sections. When this is done they can follow the usual approval process. 

Exceptionally external candidates that is not employed today can apply from the department. Those candidates should be supported by an established faculty member that will take on the role as sponsor for the candidate. The sponsor should follow usual application process and have to make sure that necessary information - including documentaton - is included. The sponsor should also contact the Head of Department and Head of Research. 

Buy-out and office space

If the project leader need buy-out ("frikj?p") for the project this will be taken equally from their research and teaching time. The project leader should discuss possible buy-out with their Head of Section.

Successful projects

If the project is successful the project leader will get support in the contract phase, operating phase and end phase from the research administration.


About commissioned projects

There are two types of externally funded project in the university sector; commissioned projects and collaboration projects. 

In commissioned projects a work is carried on behalf of a client. The client can set terms on results, secrecy, publications, rights to data and work. Such projects are therefore often more demanding for the project leader and administration. Due to that the Department only recommends to take part in a commissioned project when there is a high academic gain.

Collaboration projects are funded by external actors that contributes with funding. Grant projects have less constrains on results, publications and and other academic liberties. Projects from EU, RCN, DIKU and foundations are often collaboration projects and are easier to administer.

Resources External funding

Funding sources