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Brief encounter with Annemieke Machteld Dijs

The new senior consultant Annemieke Machteld Dijs, in the faculty administration, is currently engaged in all practical and logistical preparations for the annual celebration, as well as the preparations for the Eilert Sundt lecture.

Annemieke Machteld Dijs

Annemieke Machteld Dijs on summer vacation in and around Trondheim. Photo: Private

Translated by UiOGPT

- What occupies you right now?

I am getting to know UiO, the faculty, the administration, the section, the units, and most importantly, all the great colleagues! I have been warmly welcomed! Specifically, I am now working on sorting out the practicalities and logistics for the annual celebration.

The faculty will honor three honorary doctors who will give public lectures and will be celebrated!

Furthermore, we have begun preparations for the Eilert Sundt lecture, which will take place on October 22nd.

If you were to explain to an eight-year-old what you do at work in three short sentences, what would you say?

I told our neighbor's daughter, who is in the second grade of elementary school, that I work at a school for big kids called UiO, and that I help the leadership and colleagues with practical tasks.

As an example, I mentioned that UiO will soon have a birthday, and that we then invite smart researchers who teach exciting things to our researchers and students, and that I help with sending out invitations and arranging the party.

She thinks my job is super cool, and I totally agree with her!

What motivates you in your job?

I have a strong belief that education is very important and part of the solution to small and large problems in the world we live in. Being a tiny part of the administration that facilitates teaching, research, and dissemination to society, together with colleagues in a pleasant working environment, motivates me enormously.

If you were to become something different, what would it be?

When I studied human geography, I dreamed of international aid work; while I was doing my PPU (Practical Pedagogical Education), I thought about becoming a teacher. After various jobs in administration at, among others, Doctors Without Borders, KPMG, and the Dutch embassy in Oslo, I am now very happy to be at SV!

But when I, along with friends, walk the Gudbrandsdalsleden in stages, I fantasize about a small farm by a hiking trail with a large vegetable garden, a flower meadow, and a cozy inn for hikers.

What do you do to completely unwind?

I love going for walks with the dog by the fjord, in the forest, or in the mountains, either alone or with friends and family. I enjoy coming up with projects like visiting all the stave churches in Norway and planning new hikes.

I also love going to concerts, theater performances, and museums. I like reading and am part of a reading circle where we enjoy good food and discussions about books.

Published Aug. 29, 2024 11:20 AM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2024 11:42 AM