Norwegian version of this page

Travel reimbursement and expenses

Down below you will find a checklist over actions to be taken and details you need to ensure are in place before you submit your travel claims and expenses in the HR-portal or submits a claim for a guest. Note the different routines, as employees must use the HR-portal and the guests must submit a paper copy manually.

Travel expense claims and reimbursements that are submitted in the HR-portal 

Recipts : 

  • In the HR-portal, all receipts shall be scanned or photographed before being submitted electronically (uploaded). 
  • Ensure that all expenses you are requesting reimbursements for are well documented by receipts. The exceptions are travel by metro (t-bane), train and airport train/busses in Norway as these expenses are reimbursed without receipts/tickets after standard rates. 
  • Your bank account statement is not valid as receipt alone, you must always attach/submit the payment details describing what the payment(s) cover. This is due to the fact that the account statement only describes the amount paid, and not what the amount is regarding.
  • The electronic receipt from EuroCard that is imported to the HR-portal is not enough documentation by itself. You must also include the payment details describing what the outlay is regarding.
  • The attachments must be in pdf, gif or jpeg. 
  • Please ensure that the attachments are readable without anything covering the text/details.

Other notes of interest/tips

  • Has been a while since you submitted your claim, and you still have not received your reimbursement? Please check if the claim is sent to approval. If the claim is marked with "under processing" in the status field, the claim has not been sent to approval. Open the claim and ensure that you send it to approval. When it is correctly sent to approval, it is marked with the status "released for approval"
  • Please add a note in the field for comments regarding where the reimbursement should be charged (project code). If you do not know this detail, please check with your manager.
  • Please remember to submit the claim for approval (released for approval). You also have to remember this if you are reopening and changing any details in the claim. You can check the status by checking your list of your travel/trips. This is done by selecting the tab named "approved last 12 months"  and checking the process status column. If the claim is correctly sent to approval, the status should be "released for approval". Any other status indicates that you still have the claim in you system and you will have to send it for approval again. In this status list you can also follow your claim throughout the system regarding at what step it currently is.
  • When submitting a claim for usage of own vehicle, it is important that the approver field is set to "Yngvar Reichelt" and not your own, or any other name. 
  • If the claim you submit is to be paid by another unit at UiO (not MI), you must note in the field for comments the name of the person handling the HR-portal for the paying unit so that the claim can be sent to the right person.
  • Reimbursement form shall only be used to claim reimbursement for simple outlays like airline tickets or hotel stay. If you have other or several claims, you must use a full travel claim form.
  • Any claims for extra compensation of different kinds, must be approved by the Department in advance!

Travel claims submitted by guests 

  • Guests that submit a travel claim manually and on paper must attach the original receipts. Exceptions are receipts received by e-mail; they can be printed and then attached to the claim.
  • Every amount in the claim form shall be in NOK - Norwegian Kroner, so there is no need to convert currency to EURO.
  • Guests have to state their passport number to get reimbursed by UiO. This is because UiO use the passport number as an identificatory for those that do not have a Norwegian social security number.
  • Attach a post-it where you state your name, and what project the claim should be charged to. This is so that Anita can know who to get in touch with if there are any questions. 
  • Subsistence allowance are not automatically added for guests. This must be added before submitting or noted on a post-it that it should be added - and then Anita will add it for you. It is important that you in this case remember to note which meals the guest already have gotten covered by us (breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.). 
  • Ensure that guests/opponents fill in the start date for the trip and also the end date. Reason for travel must also be noted, and whom the guest has been visiting.
  • Remember that the name on the travel reimbursement must be the same as the owner of the account the money shall be transferred to. 
  • When a guest only seeks reimbursement for airline tickets and hotel expenses, one can use the regular reimbursement scheme, if any other costs are to be reimbursed, the travel reimbursement scheme must be filled out and submitted.
  • Travel claims for guests shall ALWAYS be completed before submitting to Anita. Anita does not complete travel claims for guests.
  • Always use "kontoskjema"  when claiming outlays paid to foreign bank account.

Rules that apply to both of the above  

  • When you are claiming subsistence allowance, you must always note the name and place where you are staying the night. This is regardless of wether UiO pays the accommodation or not. This is due to tax rules.
  • Remember to attach all relevant receipts, but please do not add receipts for irrelevant stuff that are not being reimbursed.
  • Conference fees and every type of tickets cannot be reimbursed beofre the conference / trip is completed. If it is difficult to pay in advance, one can seek for an advance payment.
  • You can not both request substance allowance and get meals paid by receipt.
  • Booking confirmation or invoice will not be accepted as a receipt. You have to attach actual receipts or account statements as well.

Advances (prepayments) 

  • Applications for Advances must be submitted before the travel begins. Please check with Anita Smeby regarding deadlines. You have to fill out a separate application form. If the advance is higher than 10.000 NOK you will have to submit a cost estimate together with the application. Only employees of UiO can receive advances.
  • Travel claims with advance settlement must be submitted maximum one month after the end of the trip. When you have received a prepayment, you must submit a manual paper-based travel claim as this options is not available in the HR-portal.
  • For the entire prepayment to be paid, the advance application must be received by the Payment Section at UiO before the last deadline for travel expenses and outlay reimbursements (and before the trip begins). Please check with Anita Smeby for deadlines.
  • Advances under the amount of 3000 NOK will not be approved.


Did you not find answers to what you were looking for? Please get in touch with Anita at the reception office or by email

Other relevant UiO pages: 

How to fill travel expenses claims - UiO page

Reimbursements not related to travel

Published Apr. 2, 2019 2:13 PM - Last modified June 3, 2024 2:09 PM