This is how you influence your working environment!

How can the working environment be improved? Please answer the ARK questionaire to let us know what you think. This is important in order to create a good working environment for everyone!

Photo: Colourbox

Dear Colleague!

The ARK-survey (Arbeidsmilj?- og klimaunders?kelse) is a Working Environment and Climate Survey developed by the higher education sector and especially adapted for use in knowledge intensive workplaces. The research and theoretically based ARK survey provides a valid and reliable tool for mapping positive aspects at work as well as risk factors. IBV will use ARK to gain an understanding of how you experience the working environment in your unit.    For further information, see  

Take this opportunity to give your view on how things are. Our overall goal is to do more of the good things, and to make adjustments where needed.

About the process.
The first stage concentrates on mapping and investigation (the survey). Then we will present and reflect on the results, identify and prioritize actions, and finally implement and follow-up the identified actions for this survey period.

These are the steps of the process:

1. The survey.
You will receive an e-mail with a link to the survey, and information about the deadline. Your participation is voluntary. All the data will be treated confidentially and none of the input can be traced - for further information on this matter, see

The survey introduces four management terms: My immediate leader, the management, the management of my unit and the management one level above my unit. The first three terms relate to the leader that you have had or are supposed to have your annual employee appraisal interview with (the head of your section), whereas the last term relates to the department’s leadership.

2. The feedback meeting.
After completing the survey you and your colleagues will be invited to discuss and reflect on the results and propose relevant actions to be taken in order to further develop the work environment. The feedback meeting will be held and led by trained HR-personnel and the head of your section.

3. Implementation and follow-up.
Actions proposed in the feedback meeting will be included in action plans for 2018/19 and followed up by the head of your section, in close cooperation with you and the HSE contact at IBV.



Published Sep. 15, 2017 3:18 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2018 2:57 PM