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Energy saving at KBH

The University of Oslo have long worked to reduce the energy consumption. High energy prices and increased costs has made it necessary to introduce new measures, with the aim of further reducing the usage. This is how IBV is affected by the new measures.

UiO must implement measures to reduce energy consumption

  • Reduce the temperature in the buildings - not lower than 19 degrees. The measure will be adapted to the activities in the buildings.
  • In some buildings, there will be joint use of student areas and reading rooms after 16, where we maintain an indoor temperature of 19 degrees and ventilation after 16. For IBV's students, VB will be the nearest student area, here ventilation is closed at 22.
  • Temporary shutdown of electric car chargers with the exception of UiO?s cars.
  • UiO encourages all students and staff to take simple energy-saving measures such as turning off lights, keeping exit doors and windows closed, opening exit doors manually (do not use door pumps), not turning up the heat in the room unnecessarily, turning down the thermostat before leaving the office.
  • Employees with special needs must contact their manager. Only approved heaters are permitted.

IBV will be affected in the following way:

Kristine Bonnevies House is an old building that is managed in 6 different zones. There is one system for ventilation and heating.

  • Down regulation of temperature is done gradually from 5 December. EA now logs the temperature before start-up, for reference point. The temperature is then gradually lowered while EA continues to log the temperature. The temperature is adjusted according to the temperature outside.
  • The ventilation is closed at 1600 (previously at 1800). The ventilation is switched off at weekends and holidays as before.
  • Temperature and ventilation in the “Bikuben” will not change until 16 December.


  • Activities booked in TP are taken care of. Teaching should therefore not be affected.
  • KBH has around 100 fume hoods and chemical cabinets linked to ventilation. These run on a separate system, which will not be closed or downregulated.
  • Facilities with their own cooling, ventilation and heating, such as InVivo, EM, cold rooms, NSC and MS are not affected.

More information about energy saving at UiO

Published Dec. 1, 2022 1:55 PM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2022 3:18 PM