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Towards a new strategy at the Faculty

I would like to start thanking the employees at the Faculty for their input in the making of a new strategy for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The first draft is soon ready and will be distributed to all our employees during May.


We are excited to hear your input on the first draft and hope for great commitment in the process. Since it is still early in the process, I cannot go into detail about the strategy at this point, however we have chosen the same structure in our strategy as we believe the new overall strategy for UiO will have.  

The Faculty’s strategy will start by describing who we are, where we are and where we want to be in the bigger picture. If we are to have a vision, it will not be an easy task to find a short and at the same time describing expression.

The strategy will include three chapters about education, research and knowledge transfer. With knowledge transfer, we basically mean our tasks towards society that not includes research and education, that is innovation and science communication. Even though research, education and knowledge transfer are separated into three chapters, they are interrelated and must be seen in context with each other.

With this strategy we will also try to contribute to the UN sustainable development goals. Although we, of course, do not mean that we can meet these goals on our own, we are convinced that the Faculty can give substantial contributions.

The strategy, as it stands now, will conclude with a chapter about people – our employees and students – who are our most important resources. The chapter will include themes like gender equality and diversity, in addition to goals related to our work and learning environment. Here it is natural to include that UiO will have a new building in Gaustadbekkdalen in 2024 with the possibilities this brings at Nedre Blindern when people are moving from Nedre Blindern to Gaustadbekkdalen.

Our plan is to finish the strategy process during fall 2018 with a launch in January 2019. We hope for great commitment and useful feedback on the first draft in May. Again, thank you all for your contributions so far in the process. It has been important for our strategy work, so far.

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published Apr. 5, 2018 1:53 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:53 PM