Looking towards 2030

We have used parts of 2017 and the whole of 2018 on the development of our new strategy for matematics, natural sciences and technology at the University of Oslo. Now we are ready for the launch party February 4th

The Faculty Board approved the new strategy in December 2018 and the the startegy is soon ready for beeing printed.

We therefore invite all employees and some external guests to launch in Sophus Lies Auditorium on Monday, February 4th at 16:00-17:15. After the launch, sausages and drinks are served. I hope as many as possible have the opportunity to come and remember to sign up so we can buy enough sausages!

I am very pleased with the result and thank you to all for your contribution to the work with the strategy.  I look forward to following up the content of the strategy in the years to come. An important part of the startegy starts like this:

“The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo shall engage in research and education at a high international level. The quality and breadth of basic research places the Faculty in a special national position and forms the foundation that will bring the Faculty up to the top European level of research-intensive universities.” 

Welcome to the launch of the strategy!

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published Jan. 9, 2019 10:49 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:55 PM