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New course in Science Communication for PhD-candidates

In autumn, we start a new course in science communication for PhD candidates. The course MNKOM9010 Communicating Science will enable candidates to solve a variety of communication challenges.

man holding a presentation, pointing at an illustration of a brain

We offer MNKOM courses to our bachelor and master students as well. Here is one of our students in action on stage for a packed audience at Kulturhuset in Oslo. Instead of the oral exam, they held four minutes presentations on exciting topics in science and tecnhology. Photo: Hilde Omberg/UiO.

In general, the faculty focuses on integrating generic skills into education at all levels. Introducing digital competence across all education programs is an example and in the autumn this year our students have the possibility of doing internships in relevant companies in order to acquire work experience and interdisciplinary expertise.

We also know that employers, both in academia and society in general, are looking for candidates with communication skills, in particular the ability of communicating complex topics as we often have within research. Therefore, the goal of MNKOM9010 is to give the candidates versatile techniques and experience from science communication, while learning to use the experience of research and critical thinking to solve a variety of communication tasks.  

In the course, the students will learn to analyze, discuss and produce various forms of science communication. The candidates get to try different genres, such as writing research articles, producing and giving presentations, communicating popular science and using visual instruments.

The teaching is based on process-oriented writing, and has been developed in line with the faculty's focus on research-based teaching with active learning and the pedagogical principles that form the basis for writing guidance at the Academic Writing Center. The course includes both active learning methods and working methods from the design subjects, which together facilitate the candidates to analyze, discuss, write and give feedback to each other in a good way.

The course is taught in English, and will be an intensive teaching course held over two weeks at the end of November. You can register through studentweb. The course has a limited number of seats.

We offer MNKOM courses to our bachelor and master students as well. On Tuesday, June 4, they held presentations for a packed audience at Kulturhuset in Oslo. Instead of the oral exam, they held four minutes presentations on exciting topics in science and technology. The presentations were filmed, see them at (in Norwegian only).

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published June 6, 2019 11:00 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:55 PM