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ITS with a new master programme in renewable energy systems

The institute kicks off its first study programme next autumn.

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Stian L?vold, Head of Department and ?ivind Kure, Head of Studies warmly welcome a new master programme in renewable energy systems at ITS, Kjeller. Photo: Mette Johnsrud/UiO.

Due to the commitment to renewable energy, society is in need of new and increased competence across a wide range. The University of Oslo (UiO) has several topics, study programmes and research addressing renewable energy  from different disciplines (such as materials, physics, chemistry, mathematics, informatics, law and social sciences), but has not had a special thematic study programme that addresses the topic as a whole. Until now.
ITS with its own section for energy systems

- It is important for ITS that the department in the future can offer this new study programme. So far, we have taught topics included in study programmes at other departments, says ITS Head of Department, Stian L?vold. This will change next autumn.

- Renewable energy is a strategic area for ITS. We have established a separate section for energy systems. Now we are taking a step further with the establishment of this master programme. However, I would like to emphasize that this is a UiO-programme. 

ITS lecturer and Deputy Head of Department at IFE, Erik Stensrud Marstein is looking forward to contribute with his knowledge into the new master programme. This semester he teaches the topic “Solar cells” at ITS. Photo: Mette Johnsrud/UiO.

Starting up with ten master students

The programme is built up by three courses in renewable energy systems, a specialization with three depth courses, two elective topics, as well as a project and a master thesis. The broad disciplines are intended to provide an overview of renewable energy systems and energy storage, grid and smart grid, energy markets and analysis of energy systems. Based on these topics, a specialization is offered with three in-depth topics within a particular area, such as for instance renewable energy and energy storage.

- With the start-up, autumn 2019, the aim is that the programme will have the capacity to offer admission for ten master students. On a permanent basis, it is at the time being unclear how many new places in total the new programme will be able to offer, says ?ivind Kure, Head of Studies at ITS. He has led the committee preparing the description of the new master programme.

Cooperates with the research institutes at Kjeller

What does it mean for ITS and UiO as such to start up the new master programme in Renewable Energy at Kjeller?

- The research community in the energy sector at Kjeller  will contribute to the robustness of the implementation of such a programme, says Stian L?vold. The fact that the various research institutes at Kjeller are business-oriented, and work at a higher TRL-level than the UiO usually does, will help adding this study programme width and a needed system perspective, says L?vold.

By Mette Johnsrud
Published Aug. 16, 2018 11:00 AM - Last modified Aug. 16, 2018 11:00 AM