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Good application numbers with stricter admission requirements

With 2.20 first choice applicants per study place on our bachelor programs we still have a bit to go to reach the goal of π first choice applicants per study place, but we are much closer to reach π now than we were five years ago.


The number of first choice applications to our Bachelor programs had an increase of about 80% from 2012 to 2017. The numbers from the 2018 applications show that we have had a 2% reduction from 2017. Most likely, this is because of the new R2 requirement in mathematics that applies to most of our Bachelor programs. The R2 requirement in mathematics implies that the applicants have completed mathematics at the highest level through all three years at secondary school.

The following is a short summary of the analysis of this year’s application numbers:

  • This year, as last year, we see a steady increase in the application numbers to the study programs in informatics. The main reason for this is the great interest in digitalization in the society.
  • The increasing application numbers for The Teacher Education Program (science) the last two years has had a small drop this year, most likely because of the R2 requirement. 
  • The reduction of the number of applicants to study programs in geosciences, chemistry and physics is less than the equivalent of the loss of those who did not meet the R2 requirement in 2017. This is good news, although geosciences and chemistry still are affected by the misconceived understanding of a failing job market in these areas.
  • The application numbers to the study programs in mathematics are mainly the same as last year despite the R2 requirement.
  • Biosciences have seen a significant increase in the number of first choice applications from 2017 to 2018, but bear in mind that the R2 requirement will be introduced in 2019. It will be very interesting to see the application numbers for this program next year. 
  • School of pharmacy’s numbers have been stable over several years with over 3 first choice applications on each study place (close to π).

The reason why this year’s application numbers are mainly the same as last year is probably the great interest in our study programs in informatics, which compensates for the loss of applicants who are not qualified to apply due to the R2 requirement. Overall, we should be very pleased with this year’s numbers of first choice applications to our study programs.

It is too early to come up with a qualified assessment of the application numbers to our Master’s programs. However, the numbers indicate an increase of 5-6% from 2017 to 2018, and this is good since 2017 was a very good year. The number of applications to the Master’s programs is consistently good across the whole faculty.

We are heading towards an exciting autumn, especially with the introduction of the R2 requirement on many of our programs. 

It remains for me to say thank you to all who have contributed to making people interested in our study programs, and to thank the applicants for showing their interest by applying.

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published May 9, 2018 11:43 AM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:53 PM