Changes in the leader group at the Faculty

Recently, we have implemented changes in the leader group at the Faculty.


Professor Finn-Eirik Johansen resigns as Vice Dean of Research and returns to his professorship at the Department of Biosciences.

Professor Solveig Kristensen, who has been in charge of education since 2013, becomes the Vice Dean of Research.

Knut M?rken joins the leader group at the Faculty as Vice Dean of Education. Knut M?rken knows the area well as he over many years has worked closely with Solveig Kristensen in the development of the education at the faculty.

Vice Dean Kristin Vinje continues as before with responsibility for innovation and external relations.

By Dean Morten D?hlen
Published Mar. 14, 2019 1:03 PM - Last modified Feb. 21, 2023 2:55 PM