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Apply for KD-positions earmarked for sustainable development

At the same time as UiO is working to design a comprehensive climate and environmental strategy for the entire university, we at the MN Faculty have already invited our researchers to apply for KD-positions tied to research projects with sustainable development relevance.

Portrait photo of a man

Vice Dean for Research Bj?rn Jamtveit.

The KD-positions are PhD and postdoctoral positions that are funded as part of our basic grant from the Ministry of Education and Research. We have a total of 46 vacant research positions that are distributed via the Faculty, 23 of these go to this initiative, the rest are distributed to our departments. In addition, 22 positions go directly to the departments.

Although not all of the United Nation’s 17 sustainable development goals are equally relevant to the research areas at our Faculty, this is a very broad call for research funding. Many of our researchers will be able to angle their projects in a sustainable development direction without feeling like a challenging change of course. With such a broad call, we also aim to get a better overview of sustainability-relevant research at our Faculty.

Application deadline is November 20

Each research project will be able to apply for up to four research positions, and we want a relatively even distribution of larger and smaller projects. Scientific quality will always be the most important selection criterion, and we especially encourage young researchers with new and often bold ideas to apply. Applicants who do not have permanent positions at the Faculty must have an employment contract that expires after 2026 in order to apply.

The application deadline is November 20. We realize that we risk receiving many applications and will have a hard time making a thorough evaluation of all the applications since the results must be ready before Christmas. Therefore, we will primarily have to make an assessment with the help of internal experts. Internal evaluators will be contacted as soon as we receive the applications. Applicants also have the opportunity to attach any external evaluation results they have received on relevant applications in the past.

Extra support for experimental and field-based research

As a new initiative, the Faculty has also decided to support research projects that have expenses for experimental or field-based research with operating funds of up to NOK 150,000 per research position per year. Previously, very few operating funds were included with these positions, which made it difficult to use them in order to start projects that had no other sources to cover operating expenses.

With the large investment that is taking place today within data and computational sciences at our Faculty, it is important to maintain a good balance between data collection and data processing. We cannot do research on mathematics and natural sciences at a high international level without having the necessary closeness to the nature we want to understand. This is done, among other things, through fieldwork and laboratory experiments, and this activity must also be given priority.

Application requirements

  • Must include a project description with academic milestones, maximum five pages including references
  • Use the Times New Roman font, font size 11, two cm margin, single spacing
  • Describe how to use the KD-position(s)
  • The project description must start with a summary of a maximum of one page (included in the total of five pages)
  • Project manager's curriculum vitae (CV), use the Research Council of Norway's CV template
  • Budget, if you are applying for operating funds
  • Optional: previous evaluation(s) of the project
  • The application can be written in Norwegian or English

Please send the application to Bj?rg Mikalsen at with Vice Dean for Research Bj?rn Jamtveit,, on copy. Application deadline is November 20 2021.

I wish all applicants good luck! 

By Vice Dean for Research Bj?rn Jamtveit
Published Nov. 4, 2021 12:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2021 1:20 PM