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We are preparing for moving into the Life Sciences Building

The University of Oslo is now intensifying the preparations for moving into the Life Sciences Building in 2026. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN) we have had years to make plans for moving the Department of Pharmacy and the Department of Chemistry into the new building. Last year the University Management opened for the possibility of moving all or large parts of the Department of Biosciences as well.

Our three Departments will be sharing the space with part of the Department of Oral Biology at the Faculty of Dentistry and select units from the Faculty of Medicine (MED). In addition, there is currently a process regarding the possible continuation and development of the centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), which are also designated space within the building. Our innovation unit UiO Growth House, which we share with MED, will also be joining us and further developed. There will also be space for parts of the Library of Medicine and Science.

Society and Impact Targets

It is a stated aim that the Life Sciences Building will be developed into a joint facility for leading university and hospital environments within life science, ensuring international competitiveness for Norway in the field.

The co-location in the Life Science Building is expected to provide

  • synergies between UiO and Oslo University Hospital to strengthen research, education, innovation, and professional and method development
  • shared use of space and equipment across organizations and disciplines
  • increased access to, and better utilization of, advanced scientific equipment and technology in research and diagnostics

Academic Development

To achieve this, the rector, together with the vice-rector, has initiated a process for academic development in the building. Currently, the main focus is on finalizing the layout plans for the functional areas of the building, which heavily involves the relevant Departments. The final decision on relocation will be made by the University Board in June. In parallel, there is an ongoing academic process addressing

  • development of thematic focus areas in the building
  • establishment of advanced research infrastructure/core facilities
  • organization in the building that ensures academic collaboration, leverages synergies, and leads to convergence
  • development of culture and collaboration across units, faculties, and institutions

These areas are closely interconnected and need to be developed within a comprehensive context. The Deans have been invited into the process, and we maintain close contact with Department heads and our academic communities.

‘Mottaksprosjektet’ (The Project for the Relocation)

The administrative work is led by the Estate Department, on behalf of the Director of the University. This project is responsible for:

  • processes for allocation of user equipment (‘BUT-prosessene’ in Norwegian)
  • preparation and implementation of relocation and transferral of activities
  • establishment of property management
  • investment, operating model, and organization of ICT and AV services
  • HSE and laboratory operations

The Project is currently focused on ensuring adequate staffing and resources, promoting collaboration and information sharing within the organization, developing planning frameworks and milestone plans, and monitoring the project through the preparation of status reports and uncertainty analyses. The Project reports to UiO's Steering Group for the Life Science Building, under the leadership of the Director of the University.

Organization of Resources at the Faculty

At the MN faculty, we have organized ourselves to meet the expectations set by the Project and the academic leadership at UiO, and to deliver in accordance with requests and processes that are put in place (Figure 1):

Management group MN LS
Head: Solveig Kristensen
Academic leadership at UiO
(University management)
University relocation project (Estates)

Ikon med skisse av forsker med langt h?r, labfrakk og reagensr?r

Academic development and user equipment

Responsible for coordinating:
Bj?rn Jamtveit

Ikon med skisse av vitnem?lsrull


Responsible for coordinating:
Knut M?rken

Ikon med skisse av en skolebygning

Relocation and transferral
HSE and lab operations

Responsible for coordinating:
Kathrine Schou


← Economy and organizational development →
Responsible for coordinating: Eva Helene Mjelde

Figure 1: Organization of resources at the MN Faculty

Academic and organizational development, which forms the basis for approved societal and impact goals, the principle of convergence, and thematic focus areas in the new building, are being managed through, amongst other things, resource groups for academic development /user equipment and education, under the coordination of the vice-deans.

Relocation and transferral at the Departments will be supported by a dedicated resource group, led by the Faculty's Estates and HSE coordinator. Additionally, the group will be responsible for coordinating the planning, facilitation, and establishment of laboratory operations in the new building, including HSE work.

The Life Science Building will pose financial challenges for the entire UiO. Many aspects regarding the financial frameworks from the Ministry of Education and Research, guidelines at UiO, and consequences for our Faculty, including rental costs, are still uncertain. A separate resource group has been established to keep the Faculty informed and will provide budget for necessary investments and operating expenses. The group is coordinated by the Director of Department, with the participation of the Dean. Coordination with the University Management with regards to finances is vital. The resource group also has the responsibility to facilitate organizational development in the building, which fosters collaboration between the Departments, across the Faculties, and among employees at UiO and Oslo University Hospital (OUS).

The overall management group will bring everything together and ensure comprehensive information flow and coordination of activities. The management group will ensure a strong connection to UiO's central processes and maintains close dialogue with the Estate Department management and UiO's leadership. The Dean leads the overall work. The Departments are heavily involved in the resource groups, with participation from Department Heads, office managers, education leaders, HSE coordinators, and lab managers. In addition, Safety Representatives (verneombud) are also included.


The Faculty emphasizes the importance of strong anchoring at our Departments and in our academic communities for the work ahead. To achieve this, we will heavily involve leaders and employees at the Departments in the processes. Important arenas we will utilize to ensure good anchoring are

  • newsletters
  • MN websites (in collaboration with UiO central)
  • general meetings at MN
  • local meetings at the Departments
  • Management's regular meetings with union representatives and local chief safety officer
  • Faculty board meetings

Thank you to everyone who contributes!

We have a big task ahead of us – thank you to everyone who contributes to this significant and important endeavour for MN and UiO!

Wishing everyone a happy Easter!

Best regards,
Solveig Kristensen, Dean

Published Mar. 21, 2024 2:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2024 9:46 AM