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MED-nytt, no 5 – 2023

I denne utgaven av MED-nytt kan du lese om blant annet: ?pen dag. Seminar for undervisere om ChatGPT. Inspirasjonsseminar om finansiering. F? ogs? med viktige frister og spennende arrangementer i kalenderen.


Editorial:Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo We would love to meet with more of you

Everyday life is in full swing for the Dean's Office, but they would like to meet more people at the Faculty. Please feel free to invite visitors to your regular meetings.

Some of the items on the agenda include our Inland Campus, the improvement of study programmes and developing post-doctoral and PhD programmes.

This week also includes International Women's Day and the UiO’s Open Day for recruiting new students. Thank you to everyone who will be contributing towards making our Open Day a great a success, as it usually is.

Read the full Editorial

Seminar for teachers about ChatGPT

Vice Dean of Studies Eli Feiring is calling on the Faculty's teachers to attend the LINK seminar on ChatGPT, in order to learn how it works, but also to look at the opportunities and challenges involved when teaching.

Talk about: ChatGPT, what are we doing now?
During this semester LINK's "Speak Up" will be about ChatGPT and AI. People with resources from different academic groups at the UiO are being invited along with anyone who is interested to three morning seminars and a workshop. Further reading: The Rector’s blog: Artificial intelligence requires pedagogical intelligence by Bj?rn Stensaker, Vice-Rector for Education.

foredragsholderne p? inspirasjonsseminareneInspirational seminar on funding

Are you interested in applying for funding from Horizon Europe? Register for Faculty webinars on ERC grants (Part I) and collaborative grants (Part II) (in English), where research colleagues share their experiences about the writing process and managing projects. "The UiO is doing well in the competition for ERC funding," says Dean of Research Jan Bj?lie. "Others can build on this success, and I am encouraging our researchers to keep an eye on existing opportunities. Come to the webinars! Read also these new overview articles:


illutrasjon tildeling av milder fra EUDo you have an ERC application up your sleeve? The European Research Council (ERC) funds researchers both during the early stages of their careers and when they become more established. An ERC grant provides researchers with the opportunity to follow their research concepts for five years and they are some of the most prestigious grants that can be awarded to researchers. Read more and sign up for our experience sharing webinar on 23 March.

offisielt horisont europabildeBuild yourself up for Horizon Europe The EU Horizon Europe framework programme offers many funding opportunities relating to health research. Read more in this article and sign up for the Faculty webinar on 23 March in order to learn from the experiences of others. 



New e-learning course on ECG to enhance the skills of newly qualified doctorsMathis Korseberg Stokke, Knut Gjesdal og Michael Bjaanes

Professor Mathis Korseberg Stokke and Professor Emeritus Knut Gjesdal have developed an e-learning course on ECG along with Michael Bjaanes, a retired nurse and illustrator.
This course has attracted international attention and is also being used in the USA.

Students and newly qualified doctors learn to interpret ECG based on their knowledge of anatomy and physiology. "At the Faculty we are committed to developing good e-learning resources such as this new ECG course. It is great that other universities at home and abroad are also benefitting from them," says Magnus L?berg, Dean of Studies.

Studying health and health policy in a global perspectiveillustrasjonsbilde av studenter ved MED

With a Master's degree in International Community Health from the Faculty of Medicine at the UiO, students gain a global perspective on health and can work on realising global goals for universal health coverage.

A multicultural, multidisciplinary Master's programme

International Community Health is a multicultural, multidisciplinary Master's programme. This new Master's degree provides students with the knowledge and skills that they need in order to advance their global health careers.


Information for employees

  • UiO har oppdatert nettsidene om arbeidstid for teknisk- administrativt ansatte i tr?d med ny S?ravtale om fleksibel arbeidstid i staten. Det nye er at det n? er mer fleksibilitet for ansatte som f?rer timer ved at man kan avspasere timer istedenfor enten halv eller hel dag slik som tidligere. 

  • postkasse

    Mailbox for feedback to the management at MED: Do you have a great idea? Or feedback that could be useful for the faculty management? Use the online form to submit your feedback and ideas. The mailbox is a trial project that will run until summer 2023. Keep an eye on MED-nytt for updates about feedback to management. 

  • Uniforum: Debate: Skal vi m?te framtidens utfordringer, m? vi satse p? en sterk universitetspedagogikk av Stefan Schauber, f?rsteamanuensis ved HELP.
    En forutsetning for et robust milj? som kan m?te kriser er imidlertid tid og politisk vilje. Viljen og tiden til ? bygge opp et felt og et kunnskapsgrunnlag.

  • Uniforum: Debate: Kunstig intelligens og konsekvensene for eksamensavvikling av Bj?rn Stensaker, viserektor utdanning. UiO mener det ikke er hensiktsmessig ? endre selve regelverket, men vil informere mer konkret om bruken av ChatGPT og tilsvarende verkt?y i lys av dagens eksamensreglement. Et sentralt punkt her er nettopp om teksten som leveres inn er studentenes egen. 

  • UiO: Energy saving at UiO. Updated information on initiatives.

  • War in UkraineUkraine – University of Oslo

Research news

You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.


illustrasjon hjernen

澳门葡京手机版app下载.no Neuroscientists from around the world share data (in norwegian). So far 2,000 neuroscientists have shared their research data with the UiO's help in a major EU project. "Data sharing makes research easier to interpret and more transparent and this will save duplication of effort," says Jan Bj?lie to

illustasjon to ansikter mot hverandre

Medisinbloggen: Too much and too little attention can be paid to gender in Norwegian by Hilde Bondevik and Kari Nyheim Solbr?kke.

Should the health service treat women and men equally? When is it right, and when is it wrong? And what about those who do not identify as either?


illustrasjon alderdomUiO Podcast, Universitetsplassen: You can have a great old age (in Norwegian).

What happens in the body as we age? Much of it comes down to attitudes, but can you also get help from nature? Recording on 7 February 2023, with Hilde L. Nilsen and Sissel Gran.

illustrasjon munnbindKlinmed: No signs of serious lung damage after the coronavirus in Norwegian by Julie Nybakk Kvaal.

Researchers have followed the very first Norwegian patients with COVID-19 closely for a whole year. They find no signs of serious lung damage.


IMB: Increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer after undertaking offshore night work by Cecilie Bakken H?stmark.

Many oil workers work at night. This could make them more vulnerable to getting aggressive prostate cancer than if they had worked during the day.


MED-nytt is an internal newsletter for all employees and associates. Individual MED-nytt subscribers can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by  unsubscribing here. If you want to subscribe to MED-nytt, you can subscribe here. Also follow news from the Faculty of Medicine on facebook, twitter, linkedin and instagram

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Mar. 10, 2023 12:27 PM - Last modified May 9, 2023 7:33 AM