Editorial: Welcome to the new semester!
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo welcomes you to the new semester and talks a little about some of the most important activities early this autumn: Strategy work, Ukraine seminar, the opening of UiO Campus South and the Research Festival at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.
The Management Column
Research training at MED
Vice-Dean for Research and Researcher Education Grete Dyb gives a status update on the research training at the faculty.
Read the full article from Vice-Dean Grete Dyb
Two new working groups will further develop research training at MED
See the mandate, schedule and composition of the groups (in Norwegian):
- Working group for review and revision of supplementary rules for PhD degrees
- Working group for planning supervisor training
Ulven receives NOK 29 million from the EU
The funds will be used for international research training in personalised nutrition. “Why do the meals we eat have different effects from person to person?” Stine Marie Ulven will lead the international network Nutriome which will find the answers. Read the full story on the instiute website.
Studies and Admission Requirements 2023
On July 24, the admission requirements for first degrees were published. For applicants coming straight from upper secondary school, the points required have decreased slightly this year. Read the full article on the programme of study website (in Norwegian).
Start of studies for new master’s programme in Public Health Science and Epidemiology
“We look forward to welcoming new students and starting this important master’s programme” (in Norwegian), says Randi Opheim. Read the full article on the programme of study website.
Read more news about studies-related matters
Elective course in Tanzania for medical students (in Norwegian)
Master’s completion for clinical nutritionists (in Norwegian)
UiO:Life Science: New interdisciplinary educational programme: Honours Certificate in Life Science Innovation. Master’s supplement that students take alongside their studies. Also for vocational students.
Exercise during working hours: This autumn’s schedule and registration is out now!
Gender and health, education and research. Feature article in Norwegian by the Office of the Dean in Dagens Medisin.“How can the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo help place focus on the gender perspective in education and research?”
The faculty’s website has been refreshed with a great new cover photo of staff and students photographed in the atrium of Domus Medica. Photo: Jarli & Jordan, UiO.
Keep up-to-date: OUS is on YouTube presenting its ongoing construction projects (in Norwegian).
UiO: You too can become an Distinguished Educator at UiO. Watch the video with Bj?rn Stensaker. The deadline is 1 September, 2023. Read more about the scheme here.
Partnerforum is arranging seminars and conferences for state administration. A good opportunity to promote researchers from UiO to an important target group. Last year, the forum hosted 20 events for over 5000 participants. Partnerforum’s secretariat is looking for any tips on the topic. Tips can be sent to partnerforum@uio.no.
New interdisciplinary collaboration (link in Norwegian) between MED, OD and OUS to improve the treatment of patients with blood cancer.
Rector: The Circle U. partnership continues with renewed vigour! (in Norwegian)
The 2022 NCMM Annual Report has been published.
Professor Ole Andreassen, the third most published researcher in Norway (in Norwegian).
The COMENTH project at Klinmed aims to strengthen the quality of higher education within the field of mental health. The cooperation between Norway and Nepal is yielding results. Read more: A global perspective on mental health (in Norwegian).
Uniforum: Kirsten Osen - persistent researcher with long traditions and a broad perspective
Wednesday 21 June saw the official opening of the new Centre of Excellence (CoE), PRIMA. The centre’s goal is to develop new and more accurate immunotherapy that will improve current cancer treatment and treat more patients.
Excavation work at Domus Medica. The Norwegian Hospital Construction Agency has begun preparatory work for the construction of a new national hospital. Stay tuned for updates on the work and implications for Domus Medica.
Stay tuned for updates on the work and implications for Domus Medica.
Management meetings
Management Forum: Overview of meeting dates. The next meeting is on 5 September. Cases can be reported and case papers submitted up until 12:00 on the last Thursday before the meeting. Minutes from the previous meeting on 22 August will be published here.
Overview of the Faculty Board meetings. You can find the agenda and minutes here.The next meeting is on 7 September. The deadline for submitting items for the agenda is 31 August.
University Board meetings in 2023. These meetings are live streamed and are open to anyone who would like to watch. The next meeting and seminar is on 5 and 6 September.
Opportunities and deadlines
See all important deadlines regarding applications for research funding in Funding opportunities.
ERC Synergy Grant. Deadline 8. november.
Award announcements: Keep track by visiting the annual cycle for award announcements.
The Norwegian Association of Researchers’ Brain Power Award 2023
South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority’s education awards 2023
UiO’s calls for proposals for innovation funds. Are you a researcher with an innovative idea for a new product, service, solution or technology based on your research? The application deadline is 31 August.
Distinguished Educator Scheme at UiO. The Scheme is an institutional initiative aimed at promoting the quality of education at the University of Oslo. The 2023 application deadline is 1 September
Circle U. Academic Chair Programme – Open positions as Academic Chairs at the University of Oslo. Application deadline: September 20.
Call for applications: NCMM Joint Postdoctoral Programme in Molecular Life Science. Application deadline: 31 October.
Courses and events
See the University of Oslo’s course calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO:IT and the Medical and Science Library.
Updated overview: Upcoming public defences.
- Post-doctoral programme: Open registration for career-enhancing courses
The courses are part of a career development programme tailored to provide support to the faculty’s postdocs and other researchers in the start-up phase.- 14 - 15 September: Career development
- 2 - 3 October: Communication research
- 28 - 29 September: Research management
- 6, 7 og 10 November: Supervision
- 22 - 24 November: Writing grant applications
- 1 September: Kristine Bonnevie-forelesningene 2023: Emmanuelle Charpentier og Sigrid Bratlie. Genomredigeringsrevolusjonen CRISPR-Cas: mikrobiologiens kraft (Registration)
- On 13 September, NORMENT invites you to a user-oriented evening seminar on how new research can contribute to hope for people with psychosis disorders and bipolar disorders: Where there is research, there is hope! (in Norwegian)
- 14 September, the Faculty of Medicine invites you to a large academic meeting in the University Aula to share knowledge about the situation the affected find themselves in and about good initiatives in Norway and Ukraine. Welcome to ’Health for Ukraine’!
- 19 September: SHE invites you to the Health and Sustainability Conference in Domus Bibliotheca, 08:30 - 13:00.
- 20 September - 1 October: Research days (in Norwegian).
- 22 September: A dedicated day for UiO’s researcher support in Norwegian. Register before 29 August.
- 23 September, 10:00 - 15:00 - MED at the Research Days: Research Festival at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Now is your chance to give your friends and family an impression of your job. Medical stands from all disciplines create interest. You are also welcome to use the opportunity for a social outing with your research group or other colleagues.
- Online form for free tickets for you and your guests to the festival at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology
25 September – MED at the Research Days. Energy, diet and depression, Domus Bibliotheca. Further information will soon become available.
27 September:
UiO’s Innovation Conference for 2023. The conference will be part of Oslo Innovation Week (OIW). -
18. October: European Health Research Infrastructures Meeting. OUS and UiO wish to present major health research infrastructures, the benefits they can bring into research and how the researchers can get in touch with them. Registration deadline: 26. September.
The Brain in the Centre: An event series at Domus Bibliotheca, the University of Oslo’s arena for dialogue and dissemination.
- 11 October, 18:00 – 19:30 Artificial intelligence
- 8 November,18:00 – 19:30 Language
- 29 November, 18:00 – 19:30 Personality
Resarch News
You can also follow what is happening at the Faculty of Medicine via facebook, twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Medisinbloggen: Accurate immunotherapy will revolutionise future cancer treatment in Norwegian by Malmberg, Olweus, Andersen, Munthe, Myklebust, Lund-Johansen og Haapaniemi. Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that helps the immune system fight cancer and other diseases.
Klinmed: Why do some people get more severe MS than others?. Researchers have found the first gene variant associated with how Multiple Sclerosis (MS) develops. This is a research breakthrough within the field of MS and could lead to new treatments for patients with severe MS.
NCMM: Cancer can be treated by blocking central conductor of cell division. Researchers at NCMM have demonstrated the mechanism behind the activation of Aurora B, a key conductor of cell division. Their findings may lay the foundation for the development of new cancer drugs.
Medisinbloggen: Do doctors prescribe antibiotics for viral infections? by Sara Foss Debes. When we become sick, we want to get it fixed. Preferably as quickly as possible. And if we get an infection, many of us want antibiotics. But antibiotics don’t kill everything.
Klinmed: NORMENT has advanced the research frontier. During its ten years as a CoE, NORMENT has been a focal point for knowledge development and capacity building. The centre’s work will continue in the years to come. Will investigate the connection between bipolar disorder and other diseases.
Klinmed: UiO is one of the partners in the EU project BIPCOM. The researchers in the project will investigate risk factors and the prevalence of bodily diseases in people with bipolar disorder. The goal is to find better methods of prevention and treatment.
Klinmed: Will fight tuberculosis with better diagnostic tools. Quick diagnosis and treatment are crucial in the fight against tuberculosis. However, current diagnostic methods are not good enough. Tests based on a blood sample could be the solution, a new study shows.
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