Events for employees at MED - Page 39
This breakfast seminar organised by the UiO:Life Science project Personalized Cancer Therapy (PerCaThe) will discuss the future development of Cancer Precision Medicine and specifically how the field can move to implementation in clinical trials and next in clinical practice.
How much will we sacrifice for knowledge? When is it okay, and when is it not ok to use animals in research?
At this seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia. Watch videos and see pictures from the event.
Welcome to the annual Darwin Day lectures at the University of Oslo! Lectures by Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, Arkhat Abzhanov and Leif Andersson. Since Darwin’s time insights from the fields of genetics, genomics, behavior and ecology have continued to illuminate how and why species evolve. At this event you will hear about the progress that has been made in our understanding of speciation and related topics.
The symposium will bring together leading Nordic scientists to discuss the latest developments of Organ on a Chip-technology. The event is hosted by the UiO:Life Science convergence environment: Organ on a chip and the Hybrid Technology Hub Center of Excellence.
Refreshments and mingling in Oslo City Hall for all participants of the conference. The Governing Mayor of Oslo, Raymond Johansen, is our host for the evening. You need a ticket to attend the reception. The reception is fully booked.
We highlighted inspiring examples on collaboration between academia and industry that have benefitted patients and society. How can we learn from these examples while building the health industry in Oslo and Norway?
Centre for Medical Ethics (UiO) and the Council for Medical Ethics welcome you to a guest lecture with Dr. Mark Komrad on the topic of physician-assisted suicide.
Senter for medisinsk etikk og Twentyone Pictures inviterer til visning av filmen Making Sense Together med p?f?lgende panelsamtale om pasienters og p?r?rendes m?te med psykiske helsetjenester
Speaker: Susanna R?blitz, Associate Professor, Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen.
Symposium i anledning 100-?rsdagen for Knut Erik Tran?ys f?dsel.
Dr. Céline Vallot, Principal Investigator of the "Dynamics of epigenetics plasticity in cancer" group at the Curie Institute, Paris, France, will present the lecture "Tracking the dynamics of chromatin states in tumor cells at single-cell resolution: response and resistance to cancer therapies."
Funding and partnering is critical when you want to commercialize an academic idea. What are the pitfalls? What is critical? What are the dos and don'ts?
Roundtable discussion on digital health to prepare inputs for the UN High-level Panel on Digital Inclusion.
On December 19th dr. Javier Corral will present a guest lecture on "What nature tells us about antithrombin".
Speaker: ?rnulf Borgan, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo.
Dr. Stephan Ossowski, Group Leader at the Institute for Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics, University of Tübingen, Germany, will present the lecture "Computational Analysis of NGS Data for Clinical Diagnostics."
The Nobel Peace Prize 2018 is awarded to Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict. To honor and celebrate this important acknowledgement, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Centre for Global Health at UiO are co-hosting a seminar on sexual violence as a weapon of war, as a part of the Oslo Peace Days.
UiO:Life Science is the co-organizer of a pitching competition for life science pre-startups and early phase startups in Helsinki in December. The event is part of at the SLUSH side-event Y Science. A SPARK Norway team is among the finalists!
Speaker: Axel Benner, Senior Researcher and Group Leader "Statistics for Translational Oncology", Department of Biostatistics, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany,
Seminar with associate professor Lynette Reid.
The Centre for Global Health is pleased to welcome you to the Global Mental Health Day at the University of Oslo.
Please be welcome to the launch of Women in Global Health Norway, a national chapter of the global movement Women in Global Health and a platform to connect, further strengthen and advocate for gender equality in global health within academia, public and private sectors.