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Events for employees at MED - Page 29

Time and place: , ZOOM

Professor Johanne Sundby from the Department of Community Medicine and Global Health, turns 70! We welcome you to join her celebration seminar on Zoom.

Time and place: , The Science Library

Welcome to our kickoff event in a series of monthly lunch seminars! Grab some lunch and join us for a talk by Luca Galimberti from NTNU, followed by an introduction to dScience by centre leader Morten D?hlen.

Time and place: , 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters – DNVA, Drammensv 78, 0271 Oslo

The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNL) honour Nansen’s ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience, and since 10.10.10 the event is part of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters annual Nansen-celebration.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators Axel Sandvig, head of the Integrative Neuroscience Group at NTNU, and Kalle Malmberg, head of the Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy at Oslo University Hospital, will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrup hus, auditorium 1

Imposter syndrome probably affects most of us, and can seriously affect our mental health, confidence, and happiness. This talk by Hugo de Boer aims to analyse and relativise imposter syndrome, as well as provide insights to mitigate its effects.

Time and place: , Online (Zoom)

The Centre for Global Health (CGH) is proud to present its crosscutting theme on digital global health. The launch of this new initiative is celebrated with an online event discussing the contribution of digital health to digital transformation and creating resilient communities. 


Time and place: , Zoom (link will be sent to all registered participants)

The University of Oslo takes pleasure in inviting all international employees, researchers and Ph.D. candidates who have joined our institution recently to a welcome and orientation meeting.

Time and place: , Scene Humsam, Georg Sverdrups hus

Should we allocate more resources to interdisciplinary environmental research? Reduce air travel by half? Let climate and the environment permeate all study programs? Employees and students are invited to have their say and put their mark on UiO's new climate and environmental strategy.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaards hus, Store auditorium

We invite you to an informative webinar on Digital Resources at dScience.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators, Nils Halberg, Associate Professor, University of Bergen, and Simona Chera, Professor at the University of Bergen, will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken / Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, auditorium 1 & Zoom!

On September 14 2021, UiODoc will hold its Annual General Assembly. We welcome all PhDs and postdocs at the University of Oslo to come attend the meeting to learn more about UiODoc’s work, to have your say about our agenda and bring up anything for discussion, to get involved with our activities or simply to enjoy your afternoon with colleagues and good food.

Time and place: , Zoom and Rune Auditorium

Speaker: Mats Stensrud, Associate Professor, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators, Dr. Even Rustad, Akershus University Hospital and Oslo University Hospital, and Rune Enger, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, will present their research as part of the NCMM Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator, Dirk Linke, Professor for Molecular Microbiology at the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo, will present his research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar Series

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator, Marianne Fyhn (Professor Section for Physiology and Cell Biology, Department of Biosciences, UiO), will present her research as part of the NCMM Tuesday Seminar series.

Time and place: , Online (Zoom webinar)

The Centre for Global Health (CGH) is proud to present its new crosscutting thematic focus on policy and peace. The launch of this new initiative is celebrated with an online event discussing the possibility of a divided world between the vaccinated and unvaccinated and the political and ethical questions it raises.

Time and place: , Online (Zoom webinar)

The Centre for Global Health is proud to present its new cross-cutting theme, Gender in global health. The launch of this new initiative is celebrated with an online event in collaboration with Women in Global Health Norway and will highlight community gender equity in health efforts across Africa.

Time and place: , Zoom

SPARK Norway Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigator, Jacob Odeberg (MD and Professor Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Troms? and University Hospital of North Norway) will give the talk: 'Plasma proteomics in COVID-19' as part of NCMM's Tuesday Seminar series.