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Noise and vibrations at Domus Medica in the months ahead

During the months ahead, the positioning of sheet piles will involve excavation and drilling work close to Domus Medica.

The picture shows a building and a tractor

(Photo: Cecilie B. H?stmark, UiO)

This work is part of the project to build the New National Hospital and has already begun. It will be carried out in the trench down by the stream adjacent to our building (on the same side as the canteen). This will result in noise and vibrations at Domus Medica during the coming months.

What has been decided about the mice and other animals in the Animal Unit and about the effect on sensitive equipment? And how will this affect students taking exams?

Noise and vibration meters

Noise and vibration meters have been installed in two locations at Domus Medica

  • are monitored electronically and assessed by an acoustician
  • the maximum limit of the average noise value during one day should be 45 decibels
  • the maximum limit for vibrations should be 15 mm/s

The builder has chosen a method of positioning steel pipes in the ground (sheet piling) which should prove to be gentler than tradition piling. The pipes will be initially screwed down into the ground and if they encounter rock, it will be necessary to beat them into place, causing more noise and vibrations. The work on sheet piling will go on until the beginning of April.

In the middle of March the builder will commence blasting.

During our discussions with the builder about the Animal Unit and sensitive equipment, they referred to their experience with previous projects involving similar issues. They have drawn up an action plan. The builder will be sent an overview of the days scheduled for student exams. There is ongoing contact between the builder, UiO’s Estate Department and IMB’s Section of Internal Service.

Reactions to noise or vibrations

If you find the noise and vibrations unbearable, please contact Torgeir Kvernstuen, who will contact the construction manager on site.

Picture shows a map of the area
Illustration: Costco

What is happening next in the construction project?

In May:

  • horizontal drilling

You will find more information about the construction of the New National Hospital and how it will affect us here:


By Cecilie Bakken H?stmark
Published Feb. 29, 2024 12:26 PM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2024 9:05 AM