fourMs Lab Meeting


  • Introduction
  • Current state of the Lab
    • Updates on Shelving, Network, Sync, Electric Issues
  • Equipment Brainstorming Activity!
    • What do you need in lab vs control room?
      • Basic tools, supplies, and cables to order
    • What do you need in the building (Kayla's office or downstairs in storage)?
    • What is ok to have at ZEB?
    • Check-out (and reminder to check back in!)
  • (Slight) Booking Changes coming by Easter
    • Pre-Booking Questionnaire
  • DMP
  • Floor
  • Internships
  • Github account
  • Wishlist


  • Status:
    • PCs connected to internal lab network later this week, working on mounting storage space.
    • Ventilation: problem at building level.
    • Shelves are in place.
    • Synchronization: new 50 ohm connectors in place so that old solution for a sync pulse can be hooked up and implemented. New hardware solution being ordered soon.
    • Audio: turn on sound cards first, then speakers, to avoid hum.
    • Microphones: still problems with microphone input. Phantom power does not work. Electrician contacted.
    • Big knob: no sound from Mac in the control room, should otherwize work.
    • Booking: old system up and running.
  • Equipment brainstorming
  • Lab Booking:
    • Will implement a short questionnaire in connection to booking system, propably around Easter.
    • Notify Kayla if you add or change anything in the setup.
  • Data management plan
    • Will be rquiremed for all new recordings. Kayla will present a model in next meeting
    • Should also be created for all former projects.
  • Floor/dance mat: Looking into different types of flooring
    • Check "yoga-mats" at SiO Sentrum
    • Tile-solution may be most flexible, also since sometimes only a part of the floor should be covered
  • Create mailing list for participants
    • Alexander sets up
    • Would be nice to keep track of who participates in which experiments, but this may be problematic from an ethics perspective.


Published Feb. 6, 2019 10:54 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2019 2:25 PM