Tour de RITMO Copenhagen edition

Join this unique retreat with two Nordic Centres of Excellence, RITMO and MiB. Main topic: How to develop a good research project. "Make time to think... twice"

Danish flag in the foreground with a dock with boats and colorful buildings in the background


Practical Information

The meetings, presentations, and group work will take place at CPH Conference (DGI Byen).

We are staying at CPH hotel, just next to CPH Conference.


Activities in bold are for everyone. Activities not in bold are for those who want to join.

Wednesday, February 8

  Travel to Copenhagen (either Wednesday morning or the day before)
07:50-10:00 Excursion to ITU REAL Lab (Guide: Kyrre)

Onboarding of new RITMO members (RITMO only)

Co-authorship exercise (Jamboard)

13:00-14:00 Joint lunch with MIB
14:00-14:10 Welcome!
14:10-14:30 Presentations of MIB and RITMO
14:30-15:15 Poster blitz by PhD fellows
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-18:00 Project development workshop

Joint dinner

(See potential activities for Wednesday evening here)

Thursday, February 9

09:00-11:00 Group work
11:00-12:00 Finalize presentations
12:00-13:00 Lunch

Presentation of group work

15:00-19:00 Frilek (FITMO, sightseeing, e-mailing, ...)
19:00- Dinner with entertainment (dress code: smart casual)

Friday, February 10


Conversations with MIB researchers (Lead: Danielsen)

Check-out before 12:00

Excursion to Section for Media Technology, Aalborg University, Campus Copenhagen:

08:30-09:15: Transport
09:15-10:00: Multisensory Experience Lab (Stefania Serafin)
10:00-11:00: Media Cognition and Interactive Systems Lab (Dan Overholt)
11:00-12:00: Lunch



Transport from AAU to DTU

Excursion to DTU:

13:00-14:30: Center for Playware (Henrik Lund)

Activities on Wednesday evening

Published Dec. 12, 2022 2:06 PM - Last modified Feb. 12, 2023 9:34 PM