RCN Project Proposal Workshop


Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash

About the workshop

The applicant will do a 10 minute presentation addressing the following:

  • Main research question(s)
  • Relation to RITMO’s main research questions/topics
  • Method(s) to be used
  • Cooperation and involvement of other researchers in the center
  • What resources are needed to carry out the project (people, infrastructure, equipment, other)
  • Impact

The presentation will be followed by discussion and feedback from the group.


When What Where
13:15 Introduction by Anne Zoom room / RITMO Kitchen
13:20-14:00 Session 1


Some sessions are zoom-only, some are hybrid and some physical only. Details are below.

14:00-14:15 Break
14:15-15:00 Session 2

Session 1

Applicant Feedback group Place
George Anne, Tor, Jim, Olivier, Maja, Julian, Frank

RITMO meeting room/

Zoom room

Nanette Anne-Kristin, Bruno, Emil, Remy, Martin, Gui, Kayla Zoom room
Laura  Kyrre, Rolf-Inge, Finn, Olga, Dongho, Dana, Henrik Zoom room
Qichao Alexander, Ragnhild, Alejandro, Bj?rnar, Heidi, Benedikte, Ulf N202 (meeting room behind the old cafeteria)


Session 2

Applicant Feedback group Place
Natasha Ragnhild, Nanette, Emil, Ulf, Henrik, Olga Zoom room
Kyrre Anne-Kristin, Jim, Bruno, Alejandro, Benedikte, Julian, Bj?rnar N202 (meeting room behind the old cafeteria)
Rainer Alexander, Olivier, George, Maja, Dana, Frank, Heidi, Martin Zoom room
Mari Anne, Rolf Inge, Tor, Laura, Dongho, Gui, Remy, Finn

RITMO meeting room/

Zoom room


Published Oct. 15, 2021 8:27 AM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2021 11:15 AM