On 11 May 2022, the University Board decided to offer Johannes Falk Paulsen (57) the position of Deputy University Director at the University of Oslo.
Current matters - Page 4
The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) is now accepting applications for the Young CAS Fellow programme for the period of January 2024 to December 2025. Application deadline: June 9, 2022.
Most people are already used to confirming logon with their mobile phone when they log in to the online bank, see a tax return or use helsenorge.no. Now UiO also becomes "safe as the bank" and introduces two-factor authentication.
In February, a new climate and environmental strategy was adopted by the University Board. A draft action plan for implementing the strategy is now ready. We welcome students and staff to comment on the action plan via an online form and at an open debate meeting.
The government no longer requires a social distancing of 1 metre in connection with teaching, and so students at the University of Oslo can look forward to normal lectures and seminars again.
Thursday 13 January, the government announced an easing of Covid-19 measures. This means it will be possible to offer more physical education to the students.
While most of us are focused on Christmas gifts, family, Christmas movies and peace and quiet, there are those who have completely different plans.
Monday 13 December, the government introduced new Covid-19 measures. – I am happy that the university can remain open. The measures have little consequence for UiO, as we already largely adhere to what is in the new regulations and recommendations from the government, says Rector Svein St?len.
The Estate Department at the University of Oslo in agreement with the Natural History Museum has decided to close Robert Collett's house for visitors, effective from Thursday December 9 2021 to March 1 2022. The Botanical Garden, Climate House, Museum Shop and other facilities will keep open for the public as usual.
Social distancing of 1 metre is back, there are further restrictions on events, but our reading rooms have good capacity, and exams will be held as planned until Christmas.
Mandatory face masks when it is not possible to uphold social distancing, more use of home office where possible, and restrictions on events are among the new measures.
Students and staff who are ill are asked to stay at home and get tested if showing symptoms. UiO adapts its activities to the infection situation and follows national and local recommendations.
Praise that the strategy is on the way, but also concern for the principle of academic freedom, characterises the consultation input to a new climate and environmental strategy for the University of Oslo.
At the board meeting on 19 October 2021, the University Board decided to offer Karen Marie Ulshagen the position of Faculty Director at the Faculty of Dentistry.
A specific 2030 climate target and the establishment of an Oslo Sustainability Centre at Lower Blindern are some of the proposals in the draft for a new and comprehensive climate and environmental strategy for UiO. Students and staff are invited to provide input.
The most attractive studies at the University of Oslo are the professional educations in medicine, psychology and dentistry, as well as law, the Honours programme and philosophy, politics and economics. The point limits for admission are increasing, and there are high application numbers for UiO's entire academic breadth.
Employees at the university have voted that Finn-Eirik Johansen, Ingrid Lossius Falkum, Elisabeth Garcia Gonzalez and Marianne Midthus ?stby will represent them on the University Board.
The sketch applications for the Research Council's announcement of new Centers of Excellence (SFF) reflect that we are a research-intensive broad-based university. We recently submitted a total of 57 sketches. At the same time, we applied for research infrastructure of national importance for more than NOK 3 billion.