Create a question set
- Choose "Author" in the top menu.
- Choose "Question Sets" in the left-hand menu.
- Click the button "+ Create new question set".
Give the question set a name and create a new question
- Give the question set a name (for instance course code and semester) by clicking on "New Question Set" (or the pencil icon) in the top left of the screen.
- Choose "+ Create new" to create a new question.
Find the correct question type
The settings available vary between the different question types, but the settings and logic behind the various question types are the same. Clicking the question text gives four options in the right-hand menu:
- Marks
- Main illustration
- PDF panel
- Labels
These are general options available to all question types. Clicking the interaction area (the candidate response area) displays the options available to the specific question type in the right-hand menu.
1. Choose a question type:
- Multipe choice (single correct answer)
- Multiple response (multiple correct answers)
- Text entry
- Numeric entry
- Math Entry
- Inline choice
- True/false
- Matching/pairing
- Composite (not recommended)
- Drag and drop (there are issues with this question type and we do not recommend using this)
- Hotspot (use with caution)
- Graphic Gap Match
- Inline Gap Match
- Graphic Text Entry
2. You can also choose to add "Document" first to provide candidates with practical information. "Document" can for instance include information about recommended time used per question, examination support material, etc.
NOTE: Graders do not have access to the question type "Document" while they grade, unless they download/print out the entire question set from the test. Important information such as weighting of questions or how the exam should be answered, should therefore be written in the question text, or in the grading instructions (mark scheme), not in "Document".
Edit the question
- Write the desired title for the question, by clicking on the question title (or the pencil icon) in the top left of the screen.
- Write the question text (or where the candidate may find this).
- In the right-hand menu, set the maximum marks to zero.
- Main illustration: You can choose to add an main picture/illustration to the question. The candidate will see the picture/illustration above the question text. See Inspera's how-to guide to inserting a main illustration
- You can also insert images so they appear with the question text.
- PDF panel: You can add a PDF document to a question. Please remember that links included in the the PDF document are possible to open from Inspera, so make sure to remove all links before uploading the PDF document to Inspera. See Inspera's how-to guide to attaching a PDF
The author sets the scoring rules in the right-hand menu
- Points per correct answer
- Points per wrong answer
- Points for unanswered: This is the score if the question as a whole is left unanswered. If the question contains several elements, all elements have to be left unanswered in order to receive Points for unanswered. However, if one of the elements is answered, the question as a whole is then considered answered and Points per wrong answer is received for each of the unanswered elements.
- Points for all correct: This is the score for the question if every element is answered correctly and no wrong answers are chosen.
- Minimum score: Applies to the question as a whole. If not set here, the minimum score a candidate can receive is by default defined as the lowest score achievable from the above options.
- Scoring per alternative: You can set scores on a question using scores per alternative. If you select By alternative, then both Points per correct answer and Points per wrong answer will be disabled and you must define individual scores per alternative. Click on each individual element and set the score under Alternatives and marking.
- Lower and upper mark limit per element: You will find this option by clicking on the question element, under Options.
To make sure that correct answers for automatic questions are well-defined, preview the question/question set by clicking the eye icon in the top right of the screen:
In Preview mode, test the different answers and click "Check answer".
Mark scheme (grading instructions)
You can add a scheme for the graders to use in the grading prosess under "Mark scheme". See Inspera's guide
Create more questions
You may add more questions to your question set by choosing the plus symbol "+" at the bottom of the page. When "Add same type" is chosen, a question of the same question type will be created.
Translate the question set
- When the original language version of the question set is finished, click on the settings icon (gear wheel) in the top center to edit the language settings. It is extremely important that all questions in the "original" language are 100% completed before the text is translated. It is not possible to add new interactions after the translation has been done.
- Select the form of Norwegian/language the question set should be available in.
When a new version is activated, a copy of the question in the original language/language form will be created and this must be translated.
If a question in a question set is not translated, it will be displayed as "Not translated".
NOTE: PDF panels will NOT be transeferred to other languages. They must be uploaded separately to each language.
Remember to proofread
It is not possible to change the question set in a test after the exam has begun, so it is important you proofread and test all questions in advance.
You can preview single questions or the entire question set to see how the candidates see and experience the question(s) during the test.
- Choose "Author" in the top menu.
- Choose "Question Sets"/"Questions" from the menu to the left under "Content types".
- Click on the play icon
to preview the question/question set.
Alternatively: When you are in edit mode in a question set or in a question, you can preview the question/question set by clicking the eye icon in the top right of the screen:
Remember to proofread for all languages/language forms.
This user guide explains the design options.
Share your question set with other users
In order for the examination administrator ("Planner" in Inspera) to get access to your question set and to create a test with it, you first need to share the question set with the examination administrator.
You can also share the question set with your co-authors.
Make sure you share the entire question set and not only a single question. When you see the entire question set, click on the person icon in the top right of the screen. In the window that appears you will see "This question set is shared with" where you can see which users who have already been given access to the question set. If you share a single question, in the window it will say "This question is shared with".
If you make any changes in the question set after you have shared it with the examination administrator, notify this person about the change.