Norwegian version of this page

What goes where?

Guidelines for what shall be openly available on the UiO website and what should be placed in Canvas.

This must be openly available on

Course description

Where do I find it?

Further guidelines

  • Faculties that use EpN can only use it to write and update course descriptions. Other faculties use Vortex. 

Resources and help


Where do I find it?

  • The course schedule is published in the course's semester page (in Norwegian only), based on data from TP (UiO's timetable system). The course schedule automatically appears in your Outlook calendar and My Studies, so that you and your students have an updated course calendar.
  • If you use Zoom in Canvas the meeting invitations from Zoom will automatically appear in the Canvas calendar for both you and your students. Everyone in the Canvas room can then find the links to the Zoom meetings and start Zoom from there.

Further guidelines

  • The course schedule (and changes to the schedule) must be published in the course's semester page. The course schedule cannot be added to the calendar in Canvas.
  • Students must have access to the course schedule before they register for courses so that they can plan their studies.

Resources and help

  • Create Zoom meetings in Canvas
  • Changes must be registered in the schedule (in Norwegian only). The course schedule, Outlook and My Studies are automatically updated.
  • Cancelled lectures: If there is a last-minute cancellation, there is a place in the schedule to mark the day's teaching as cancelled. The course schedule, Outlook and My Studies are automatically updated.
  • Notify students: Changes to the course schedule will be automatically updated in Outlook and My Studies and the students will be notifies. Others can be notified by sending an announcement in the Canvas room if needed. 
  • Adding details to the course schedule: Almost all the fields in the course schedule can be changed. It is possible to give each activity its own title/description, add information about readings/literature, upload resources or add more lecturers to the activity.
  • Upload files:

Time and place of examination

Where do I find it?

  • Time and place of the exam is published automatically on the semester page based on exam information from FS

Resources and help

  • Changes to time and place of the examination must be updated in FS (in Norwegian only).

Syllabus/reading list and reading list materials

Where do I find it?

  • Course syllabi/reading lists are published automatically in the semester pages, after you create and publish them in the reading list system Leganto.

Further guidelines

  • Files containing literature and other syllabus/reading list materials must be added to the course reading list in Leganto, not in Canvas.
  • Copyrighted materials must be included in the course compendium or be purchased by the students.
  • UiO is required by law to have the course syllabus/reading list included in the semester pages so that there is an historical archive of a course's previous syllabi/reading lists.
  • The course syllabus/reading list is also a part of the formal study plan at UiO.
  • Potential students use syllabi/reading lists to find out about the UiO's course portfolio.

Resources and help

Previous exam questions and grading rubrics

Where do I find it?

  • Previous exam questions and grading rubrics must be published in the course description pages, in its own folder "previous-exams". Example: ECON4310

Resources and help

Points of contact

Where do I find it?

  • All semester pages must contain contact points for the course.

Resources and help

  • The unit's web editor is responsible for maintaining contact points for the course. Contact your unit for help.

This must be available for students in the course semester pages

Podcasts/audio files

Where do I find it?

  • Podcasts/audio files are large files that are not suitable for Canvas - not all file formats are compatible for playing audio files in Canvas and there are space limitations in Canvas.
  • Podcast and other audio files must therefore uploaded to the course semester page.

Further guidelines

Resources and help

Large files

Where do I find it?

  • Large files and not suitable for Canvas - not all file formats are compatible with document previewing in Canvas and there are space limitations in Canvas.
  • Large files must therefore uploaded to the course semester page.

Resources and help

This can be placed in Canvas

Lecture notes/materials

Where do I find it?

  • Lecture notes/materials can be added to Modules, Pages, Files, Discussions, Assignments or Quizzes in Canvas, or uploaded to the schedule in the course semester pages.

Resources and help

Recorded lectures in Panopto

Where do I find it?

  • Panopto is UiO's preferred service for recording and viewing of lecture videos. Panopto is closely integrated with Canvas, and all Canvas rooms have an associated video folder in the Panopto service. Students will easily find the lecture videos in the Canvas room, and teachers and study consultants automatically get access.
  • Due to space limitations in Canvas, large files such as recorded lectures should be uploaded to the course's semester pages, or in Panopto

Further guidelines

  • UiO is required by law to add captions to all lecture videos (in Norwegian only), regardless of whether the videos are openly published or have restricted access. There are very few exemptions.

Resources and help

Other teaching materials

Where do I find it?

  • A learning management system such as Canvas is often used to share files with students. Teaching materials can be added to Modules, Pages, Files, Discussions, Assignments or Quizzes in Canvas. Alternatively you can upload the teaching materials to the schedule in the course semester pages.
  • External resources, for example a website or database, can be added to Modules, as a link in the Rich Content Editor, or to the room menu in your Canvas room.
  • There are also many third-party tools that can be used in and together with Canvas.

Further guidelines

  • All content does not have to be uploaded to Canvas. It may, for example, be placed in folders in the semester pages and then linked to somewhere in your Canvas room. The most important thing is to have a well-organized overview of the teaching materials for the course.
  • Due to space limitations in Canvas, large files must be uploaded to the course semester pages and then linked to Canvas.

Resources and help


Where do I find it?

  • Canvas has its own calendar that shows important dates/deadlines for assignment submissions, quizzes and other tasks in Canvas. The calendar only shows the activities that are created in Canvas - not the calendar from the course schedule in the course semester pages, your Outlook or other calendars.
  • When you create and publish an assignment, quiz or other calendar activity in Canvas, it will automatically appear for students in Canvas and My Studies.
  • If you use Zoom in Canvas, the meeting invitations are automatically added to the Canvas room calendar for you and your students. Everyone in your Canvas room can then find the planned Zoom course activities, and join the activity from the calendar.

Further guidelines

  • The course schedule must not be added manually to the room's calendar in Canvas. The course schedule (and changes to the schedule) must only be published in the course semester page.

Resources and help


Where do I find it?

  • Give students important messages by sending announcements in your Canvas room. Do not send an email in addition if you have sent an announcement in Canvas.
  • Announcements in Canvas rooms are also published for students in My Studies.
  • Changes to the course schedule must be done in TP and are immediately updated in the schedule, Outlook and My Studies, and students are automatically notified.

Further guidlines

  • Try to avoid students receiving the same message and notification many times. The students want uniform practices across subjects and studies, and that the same message is not published in several channels. To achieve this, messages must be published once and in one channel. See recommendations for which messages should be published in which channel at UiO (in Norwegian only). 

  • Any change or cancellation of the timetable must be done in TP. In this way, a push notification is sent out to the students in the My Studies app, and it is entered as a message in My Studies.

  • In the event of changes to the teaching, the person who enters the change in TP (time planner/study consultant/teacher) must tick the box for a push notification to be sent. Then there is no longer any need to send out SMS to the students, or notify them of cancellations or changes through other channels. They automatically receive notifications and alerts in My studies.

Resources and help

Limited storage space in Canvas

Standard storage space in Canvas rooms is 750MB. To avoid using all of your storage space in Canvas, videos and other large files must be uploaded to the course semester pages where there is unlimited file storage space.

In certain situations it may be necessary to increase the storage quota in your Canvas room. Contact your faculty coordinator if you run out of storage space.

Note! If your Canvas room has files that do not follow the guidelines you will not be able to get increased storage space.


Please contact your faculty.


Published Aug. 1, 2019 2:54 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 10:46 AM