Norwegian version of this page

Approvals and authorizations

Here is an overview of where you need to apply to get the necessary approvals for medical and health research.

Type of project

Approving authority

Advisory authority

Description and reference in UiO's quality system

Research on personal data which are not health-related? Privacy protection ombudsperson (Personvern-ombudet)

Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet)/

Privacy Protection ombud (Personvern-ombudet)*

UiO web page on privacy protection representative "personvernombud" (Norwegian) 
Research on human biological material? Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK)** REK Procedures 2 and 5
Research on health data? Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) REK and Norwegian Data Protection Authority Procedure 2
Research on health data from health registries? Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK), if this is pursuant to the regulations of the directories REK and Norwegian Data Protection Authority Procedure 2
Research involving test persons? REK REK Procedure 2
Research involving human intake of medicines, dietary supplements, natural substances or other substances? Norwegian Medical Products Agency and REK Norwegian Medical Products Agency and REK Procedure 3 and Procedure 5
Research in which medical equipment is used on humans? The Norwegian Directorate of Health and REK The Norwegian Directorate of Health Procedure 4
Research that involves use of radiation on humans? REK REK Procedure 2

* Code of research ethics for social sciences and humanities
** Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK)
*** The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board (Bioteknologinemda)

Published Apr. 10, 2013 3:49 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2024 12:33 PM