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Roles and responsibilities

Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their publications are registered in Cristin, while approval of the entries is the responsibility of superusers and department heads.

The following persons have different areas of responsibility:


  • Responsible for ensuring that all of their own scientific publications are correctly registered in Cristin.

  • Researchers are responsible for manually registering publications that were not registered during the national import.

  • All publications from projects funded by the EU or Research Council of Norway (RCN) must be tagged with the appropriate project number in Cristin.

  • The researcher shall ensure that a full text version of all scientific articles is submitted to the institutional repository. Most journals allow only submission of postprint versions (latest version after peer review). In order to meet the requirements of the EU and RCN regarding Open Access to the publications, researchers will have to upload the postprint version. In cases where the journal allows the publisher's final pdf to be submitted, it is recommended that this version be uploaded to the institutional repository.

  • 31 January is the researchers' deadline for logging in, checking and finalizing their publication list for the preceding year in Cristin.

  • Superusers at the units can provide assistance if necessary.

Superusers at the units

  • First-line support for researchers.

  • All approved publications must be validated against the original publication in order to ensure that the information on the number of authors and affiliations has been entered correctly.
  • Scientific articles shall not be approved for reporting until a full text version has been submitted to the institutional repository. If a full text has not been delivered by February 1st, a reminder shall be sent to the author before the publication is validated in Cristin.
  • Assist the head of department with approving the unit's results.
  • Assist the faculty superuser with queries from users in the unit and registering guest users.
  • Ensure that researchers who do not receive a regular monthly salary from the institution are registered in CRIStin if they have published material using UiO as their author affiliation. This particularly applies to researchers who are employed by externally funded projects, guest researchers, emeriti and students who publish material.

Department heads

  • Responsible for verifying the reporting of all of the unit’s approved publications. This entails ensuring that the unit’s publications are correctly categorized in CRIStin, and that they comply with the UiO’s guidelines for author affiliations.

Superusers at the faculties

Faculty superusers are responsible for coordinating the work within the faculty, i.e.:

  • Act as a point of contact for Department of research and innovation Administration.

  • Validate duplicates within the faculty.

  • Ensure that all heads of department in the units at the faculty complete the verification work within the deadline.

  • Overall quality assurance of the faculty's entries.

Department of research and innovation Administration

  • Overall quality assurance of all of UiO's entries.
  • Responsibility for training superusers at UiO.
  • Support function
  • Ensure that the network of faculty superusers has up-to-date, relevant information about deadlines and guidelines.
  • Point of contact with other institutional superusers (especially in connection with disputes).
  • Validate and verify that all the units have approved their results.
  • Present the DBH report for approval to the university administration and send the approved institution report to DBH/Sikt.
Published Nov. 19, 2015 1:21 PM - Last modified May 24, 2022 2:34 PM