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Internal strategic research funds for 2024

The process has been completed for the allocation of strategic funds with an application deadline of November 22, 2023. PSI has received 31 applications requesting a total of 7,500,000 kroner.

When prioritizing the applications, the following factors have been taken into account:

  • Collaboration across disciplines and sections
  • Young researchers in the early stages of their careers
  • Increasing diversity and the representation of women in senior academic positions
  • Strengthening the quality of future applications for external funding

The funds must be used in 2024. A report on the allocated funds must be submitted in the fall of 2024. A new addition this year is a shared sub-project number for all the strategic funds: 102617001

Name Granted
Line Indrevoll St?nicke 75 000
Michal Kozak 50 000
Mona Bekkhus 100 000
Olena Lakunchykova 100 000
Samantha Marie Harris 150 000
Tone Hermansen 200 000
Ylva ?stby Berger 150 000
  • Individual researchers and groups can apply (including temporary employees such as PhD fellows and postdoctoral fellows). Collaborations across disciplines and sections is an advantage. In the evaluation of applications, emphasis may be placed on the goal of supporting young researchers in the early stages of their careers, as well as increasing diversity and the proportion of women among the top academic positions. Applicants who received funding last year will not be given priority this year as a general rule. The department head, together with the department leadership, will evaluate the applications and make a prioritization.
  • The project outline (maximum 3 pages) should briefly describe the background, purpose and methods of the project, as well as how the funds are planned to be used in 2024. The outline must describe key ethical issues and any approvals required. It must also briefly describe how the project relates to relevant criteria for open research, as well as how the funds will be used to strengthen the quality of future applications for external funding (e.g. Norwegian Research Council, ERC, etc.).
  • Budget and references should be included in the maximum application length of 3 pages.
  • Up to NOK 500,000 per application will be granted.
  • A CV (maximum 2 pages) for the project leader(s) and any key collaborators at PSI must be included. Only one application per project leader may be submitted. The application with attachments should be uploaded to the following net form: PSI Strategic Funds 2024.

Upload application and attachments in the following form: PSI strategic research funds

Application deadline: November 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM.

The total budget and its allocation is contingent upon budget approval by the board in December.

The funds must be used in 2024.

Applicants will receive a response sometime in January 2024.

Published Jan. 12, 2024 3:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 3:25 PM