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Internal strategic funding 2019

The Department of Psychology have announced a call with a total of 2 million NOK in strategic funding for 2019.

Individual researchers and groups are all welcome to apply. The funds are intended to support the research strategy at PSI, where high quality research and increased external funding are important goals.

Projects supported should have a clear plan on applying for external funding such as EU framework programmes or similar funding sources of the same scale.

A project description of 4-8 pages must be submitted describing how the funds will be used in 2019 and how this will affect the goal of applying for external funding in the years to come.

Deadline: January 20, 2019 at 23:59.

Results 2019

Name Section Granted Project/Group Accounting number
Anders M. Fjell LCBC 350 Strengthening the LCBC database infrastructure 150004
Christian K. Tamnes/ Lars T. Westlye


250 The neural and psychosocial basis of adolescence as a period of vulnerability and opportunity 150011
Krister Fjermestad CLIN 250 Improving Mental Health in Siblings of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (SIBS) 150012
Rolf Reber MAKS 100 Affective Sciences Group 150013
Espen R?ysamb HUP 300 Strengthen PROMENTA with new activites in 2019 150016
Julien Mayor HUP 200 BabyLex II - Using Big Data to Create the New Generation of Early Language Assessments 150017
Lotte Thomsen MAKS 350 Complete the necessary studies to support applying for ERC starting grant 2019 150020
Thomas Espeseth COG 100 Consolidate research efforts through external funding 150005
Published Dec. 20, 2018 1:22 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2021 3:29 AM