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Discretionary research funds at the Department of Economics, new guidelines from autumn 2023

The discretionary research funds is financial support for research by staff in academic positions at the Department of Economics. The funds are given by an annual amount, and cannot be transferred from one calendar year to the next.

Allocation pr year

  • Academic employees in a permanent, tenure-track or a postdoctoral position: up to          45 000 NOK per year
  • Doctoral Research Fellows: up to NOK 30 000 per year, a total of NOK 120 000 over four years

Employees with externally financed projects are expected to use funding from the project. One can apply for additional funds from the Department.

Emeriti may apply for research funding, but normally no more than 10 000 NOK per year.

Part time employees are in general not given discretionary research funds.

Applications for funding above the annual rate must be sent to the Head of Office well in time before a decision on the expenditure is made. Such applications must include documentation of application(s) to alternative financing source(s).

External grants - For employees - University of Oslo (

Discretionary research funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • Academic literature
  • Academic travels (conferences/seminars, courses, research collaboration), including travels, stay and submission fee
  • Subscription to journals and newspapers
  • Publishing fees in journals
  • Membership fee in academic organisations
  • Research assistance (does not apply to PhD scholars) 
  • Proofreading and translations
  • Certain types of computer equipments: Contact the Head of Office before purchasing, with justified wishes. The equipment will be bought in by the IT Department. All computer equipment must have UiO’s current operating plan at all times. 
  • Other research related activities, such as data collection and experiments
  • Discretionary research funds can to a limited extent be used for hosting when guests are visiting, and for networking. The catering is ordered via the Section for purchase and according to Guidelines for hosting and representation at UiO - University of Oslo Note that the rates for hosting should be used, and not the rates for representation.

All IT equipment financed by the discretionary research funds are property of the Department, and must be handed in at the end of the employment period.

Discretionary research funds can among others not be used for the following:

  • Office supplies
  • Mobile phone
  • Subscription on mobile phone or broadband
  • Office furniture and office lighting
  • Scanner/multifunction printer
  • Digital camera and video recorder
  • Teaching material (this is covered by the Department)

Accounting information

When ordering a purchase you need to state the Department’s reference number: 17250000

In addition, a sub-number for either your discretionary research fund or a project number needs to be submitted. Sub-numbers for discretionary research funds at ?I

Teaching material have separate sub-numbers which the study administration can give you.

How to order a purchase, claim expense reimbursement, and submit a travel expense claim

  • All purchases which are charged to the discretionary research funds and project funds must be done via UiO’s purchase system, with the exception of books and proofreading: UiO's purchase system (in Norwegian)
  • Expense claims need to be submitted consecutively in the self-service portal when the expenses incur, and the expenses are covered by UiO’s guidelines:                      Register an expense reimbursement | DF? (
    • Select cost allocation and click on “other”
    • Enter the correct sub-number in K7-field
  • How to register a travel expense claim in DF?. NB: If you include compensation supplement for travels abroad be aware that this supplement does not give foundation for further allocation of discretionary research funds.

Relevant information

Travel - For employees - University of Oslo (

Subsistence allowance when travelling - The Norwegian Tax Administration (

Mobility support

Employees who wish to stay abroad for a longer period of time can apply to the Department for cover of costs for travels and up to 50% of The Research Council of Norways’s (RCN) rates: Research Stays Abroad (

It is assumed that you, in addition, apply to at least one additional source of funding. The application needs to contain a budget and a statement of extra source(s) of funding.

The rate for ?family? applies solely to employees who have children. Reduction of support against other funding will not take place until the RCN’s full rates are being surpassed.

Contact person is the Head of Office.


  • Activities which imply a salary payment to individuals must be agreed upon in advance with Head of Office/research administration in order for a work contract to be issued before the job is carried out.
  • Invoice for services delivered by individuals/firms is only accepted via UiO’s invoice system. Please contact Head of Office/research administration if applicable.

On accounting of discretionary research funds

Every employee has an individual responsibility to make sure the expenses do not surpass the allocated amount of funding. The research administration can assist the employees in getting an accounting report, if needed.

Reimbursement/purchases should be finalized at the turn of the month November/December for accounting within the present year.




Published Nov. 10, 2015 12:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2024 12:11 PM