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Departmental Research Funds

IMV has an annual budget allocation of 700,000 kr. for research activities in 2024. Academic staff may access these funds in connection with their research.

Additionally, academic staff at IMV also have an annual individual allocation of 10,000 kr. in 2024. Academic staff at RITMO have their operational funds via RITMO.

General Provisions

  • Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis
  • Applications must be submitted via the online application form below
  • Funds are not allocated in arrears
  • PhD candidates applying for funding for activities that do not yield ECTS points must submit an approval from their supervisor with the application
  • If travelling, familiarise yourself with applicable guidance here
  • If hosting, see guidance here

What can I apply for?

  • Conference participation at peer or committee reviewed conferences to deliver papers or keynote addresses. These are travels where the purpose is to present your own research or that of your research group or the department.
  • Conference participation without contribution for first-year PhD candidates. PhD candidates may apply for funds to participate in one conference in the course of their first year, which they, in consultation with their supervisor, deem to be of particular relevance to their academic development. In this case, an accepted paper is not required. A written recommendation from the candidate's supervisor which describes how attendance will be of particular relevance to the candidate's academic development must be included with the application.
  • Hosting workshops or seminars
  • Fieldwork
  • Copy editing for publication in level 1 or 2 journals, books, or doctoral dissertations; music notation, transcription
  • Research assistants, see hiring guidelines here (in Norwegian)
  • Guest lectures not connected to the ordinary teaching
  • Other relevant research expenses (i.e. license costs, open access publication costs, specialised equipment, etc.)
  • Further development of ERC and RCN applications that receive good grades, but are not successful

How much can I apply for?

  • Up to 40 000 NOK per activity
  • All costs must be included in the application budget


Which allocation criteria are used?

The purpose of departmental research funding is to encourage participation in national and international research networks, dissemination of research results and competence building in the research areas prioritised by the department.

Applications are prioritised according to:

  • Correspondence with the Department's prioritised research goals. See annual plan
  • Time since last allocation of funds, and amount of total allotments in the last 12 months
  • Applicants who have available research funds from external projects are not prioritised
  • Staff in adjunct positions should seek research funding from their main employer

Annual Operational Funds

Additionally, all academic staff also have an annual allocation of 10 000 NOK in 2023 to cover the cost of books, shorter travels, meetings, copy editing and other activities. Academic staff in part-time positions have allocations corresponding to their working percentage.

These funds may be used at the researcher's discretion as described above without application. Computer equipment and software are not covered by this allocation.

Academic staff at RITMO have their operational funds via RITMO.

Supervisors are allocated an additional 10 000 NOK for each candidate to have completed their PhD during the previous calendar year.

Published Jan. 4, 2023 3:46 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2024 10:45 AM