Groundbreaking and thematic portfolios - Deadline 2022: 2 February


Tasks Responsibility When

Submit application plans here 

Tips:present idea, issue, design. 

Preliminary approval from ILOS granted within a week. 

Project leader, Head of research, Head of Department October

Buy out, positions, project group, budget:

Buy out: project leader 50%; core group 5-30% 

Allocate own research time? Agree this with the leader team!

Positions: numbers and type (3-year postdoc requires 10% work duties).

Submit form for basic budget data

Project leader December
Create application in RCN portal  Give research advisers access to the application form in the portal Project leader When call is published
Submit first draft proposal to ILOS research support team (obligatory only for first-time applicants) Project leader December
Academic and administrative support* ILOS research support team During the application process
Partners: Confirmation from the partner's institution/department must be obtained well before the deadline.    
Complete draft proposal (incl. budget) must be ready for final quality check and approval Project leader 20 January
Submit complete application with all required attachments and budget. Project leader

The day before deadline

We recommend that you also use colleagues and/or external readers for feedback on your proposal.

NB! The final version of the application should be sent to research officer for archiving.


Published Dec. 10, 2019 11:54 AM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2022 2:49 PM