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EU support

HF has introduced several incentives and routines in order to increase the number of successful applications to the EU. 

Incentives and routines

HF aims to increase the funding from the EU considerably. In order to achieve this, our incentives are strengthened:

The European Research Council (ERC)

  • HF contributes with a three year PhD position, as own funding, in all granted ERC projects.
  • HF has opened for the possibility of direct employment for researchers with ERC-projects (“kallelse” in Norwegian.) The departments at HF will assess candidates and potentially undertake evaluations with the goal of recruitment.
  • HF’s ERC panel: a panel of experienced researchers at HF will read application drafts and provide feedback to applicants. HF’s EU Adviser will announce meeting times and internal deadlines to research leaders and research advisers.
  • UiO has agreements with external suppliers that can provide feedback to application drafts. The departments have to cover such expenses themselves, and follow the routines for procurement. Read more about procurements at UiO, and see UiO's Contract catalogue for the external suppliers. 

Marie Sk?odowska Curie Actions (MSCA)

HF has a goal to attract excellent candidates from abroad through the Marie Sk?odowska Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship programme (MSCA PF). In order to reach this, we have organised MSCA PF Master Classes since 2017.

This will also continue in the years to come, with a yearly seminar for potential MSCA applicants. HF’s EU adviser will announce the seminars.

Project Establishment Support (PES)

PES is strategic funding from the Research Council to strengthen Norwegian participation and improve returns in the form of project funding under Horizon Europe. UiO applies annually for a block grant from the Research Council, to be distributed to departments applying for EU-funding.

UiO’s EU-Office distributes the PES funding in the form of lump sums for ERC applications, as well as MSCA, thematic applications and other EU applications. The PES funding is administrated by the departments, which also may have internal routines for this. The departments cover costs in advance, and will receive PES funding based on the number of registered applications to the EU. For more information about PES funding, please see PES at UiO.

Published Nov. 16, 2020 1:03 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2025 11:21 AM