Webinar: How to write a proposal for the ERC 2025 calls

European Research Council: How to write a proposal for Europe?s most prestigious PI grant

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The 2025 ERC Calls are expected to open during the summer, with deadlines in October 2024 for the Starting Grant and in January 2025 for the Consolidator Grant, respectively. UiO is arranging a webinar that will prepare applicants for applying for these calls.

After a brief introduction to the architecture of the ERC programme and its different instruments, the training session will explore how a compelling ERC narrative can be crafted. Based on examples, we then detail how the narrative can be consistently and convincingly presented across the proposal documents and subsections. The training is concluded with a walk-through of key take-aways and essential features of successful proposals. The training will equip potential ERC candidates with approaches and tools for their proposal drafting - and additionally assists them in making informed decisions about when and whether to apply. 

The event will be held as a webinar with two sessions and a lunch break. There will  be time for questions during the course.

10:30-12:00: ERC STG/COG part 1

12:00-12:30: BREAK

12:30-1400:  ERC STG/COG part 2

The webinar will be of value for applicants who want to submit a proposal for the ERC Starting and Consolidator calls, as well as for support staff.

This webinar is held in cooperation with Innovayt AS where Morten Kr?ger will be presenter. The information will be given in English.

Registered participants will receive a link to the zoom webinar before the event.

Registrer here


Published May 14, 2024 1:02 PM - Last modified May 14, 2024 1:17 PM