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The Natural History Museum's Employee Choirs

Interested in joining a choir? The Natural History Museum has a women's choir called Bl?strupene (The Bluebreasts) and a men's choir called R?dstrupene (The Redbreasts).

BirdBl?strupene (The Bluebreasts)

Bl?strupene rehearse regularly throughout the year during lunchtime sessions, held every week or every other week. You don't need to be an experienced singer to join; we support each other. We often perform at the museum's welfare events, such as the Christmas party and summer party.

Contact person: Gunnhild Marthinsen

Bildet kan inneholde: fugl, europeisk robin, nebb, virveldyr, vinge.R?dstrupene (The Redbreasts)

R?dstrupene rehearse weekly from September or October until December, ending with a performance at the museum's Christmas party. If you love to sing, feel free to join us!

Contact person: Christian Kierulf Aas


Published Jan. 31, 2025 2:54 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2025 6:55 PM