System Owner and Universal Design

System owner is responsible for ensuring that the ICT solution meets the requirements for universal design. 

Which services must be universally designed?

  • ICT solutions (websites, apps) used for teaching or information dissemination.
  • From February 1, 2023, this also applies to new intranets and extranets.
  • No distinction is made between open or closed/access-restricted solutions.
  • We are responsible for ICT solutions we make accessible, even if provided by a third party.

Who is responsible for what?

For local ICT solutions at your faculty, institute, or department, the system owner is responsible for ensuring the solution meets technical requirements for universal design. For major ICT solutions like and Canvas, UiO centrally bears this responsibility.

Content publishers are responsible for ensuring the content they publish is universally designed.

System owner's accessibility responsibility

When should the solution be tested?

ICT solutions should be tested and errors corrected before use

  • New solutions should be tested before use, whether acquisitions or self-developed. Acquisitions require universal design standards, which should be included in contracts with suppliers.
  • Major changes or new features should be tested.

Test the ICT solution As a system owner

You are responsible for ensuring the solution is tested. Whether you do this yourself or have someone else test it is up to you.

What should you do when accessibility requirements are not met?

When an error is identified, you must request the supplier/developer to rectify the error within a reasonable timeframe. If the error concerns content, it must be rectified in collaboration with users/faculties.

Accessibility statement

An accessibility statement provides the status of universal design on your website or app. It is created by testing the solution against accessibility requirements and documenting the results in the accessibility statement. It must be filled out on and should be updated at least once a year.

If you are responsible for an IT service that you believe requires an accessibility statement, you can initially fill out this form regarding the accessibility statement (norwegian). If your service requires this, the accessibility team will contact you and guide you further.

Published June 26, 2024 1:51 PM - Last modified June 26, 2024 4:41 PM