Events offered by the welfare and senior employees' associations - Page 2
Friendship has always played a vital role in the realm of music, serving as a catalyst for creativity and fostering meaningful interactions.
Styret i Seniorforeningen UiO ?nsker sine medlemmer velkommen til ?rsm?te tirsdag 12. mars 2024. P?meldingsfrist: 1. mars 2024.
Join us on a journey through time and space, from Bach's timeless masterpieces to Hammer?'s colorful and melodic original compositions.
Velkommen til forestilling p? Nationaltheateret med Seniorforeningen! P?meldingsfrist: 1. februar 2024!
In this concert, we invite you to embrace the lighter shades of melancholy on the emotional spectrum.
Prepare for a night of great fun, dance and music!
Velkommen til ?rets f?rste arrangement med Seniorforeningen med omvisning og lunsj p? Nasjonalmuseet! P?meldingsfrist: 15. desember!
Prepare to immerse yourself in an evening filled with boundless creativity and unrestrained joy.
A unique pre-Christmas concert experience
Velkommen p? julelunsj med Seniorforeningen p? Brasserie France! P?meldingsfrist: 15. november 2023.
A reunion of Norway's top chamber ensembles playing Mendelssohn, Stravinskij & Hellstenius.
Seniorforeningen inviterer til ballettforestilling i Den Norske Opera og ballett! P?meldingsfrist: 30. oktober 2023!
Let yourself be captivated by powerful choir sound!
Welcome to a grand musical experience!
Intimate musical letters from a symbiotic trio of composers
Velkommen til medlemsm?te og foredrag om Therese Bertheau. P?meldingsfrist: 10. oktober 2023!
The performance of Paradise is linked directly to the nature.