Tripartite Cooperation and Co-determination
Working life in Norway follows what is often referred to as the "Norwegian work model", which is anchored by the pillars of tripartite cooperation and co-determination. These concepts are regulated by the Working Environment Act, and the Basic Collective Agreement for the Civil Service. According to these regulations, employees and their representatives have the right to be involved in a wide range of workplace processes and decision-making, including those related to the work environment, salary determination, and strategic development.
This approach to cooperation and co-determination is highly valued and has long-standing traditions in Norway. It involves collaboration among trade unions, employee associations, and the government, along with close dialogue between employers and employees.
Cooperation Between Management, Trade Unions, and Safety Representatives at NHM
At NHM, managers, trade unions, and safety representatives maintain a well-functioning collaboration.
Management and local union representatives meet regularly in Information, Consultation, and Negotiation meetings to discuss issues affecting the working environment, working conditions, and the general operations of the organisation. In these meetings, trade unions play a vital role in safeguarding their members' interests.
The management also meets regularly with the museum's Safety Representatives and Local Working Environment Committee. This committee is tasked with ensuring implementation of a functional, protective working environment. The committee participates in the planning of safety and environmental matters and monitors developments in matters relating to the safety, health and welfare of the staff.
Salary Negotiations
At UiO, salary negotiations are conducted in accordance with the Basic Collective Agreement, with annual salary discussions held between the employee organisations and the government.
Inclusive Decision-Making
In addition to formal collaborations with trade unions and safety representatives, the museum is committed to fostering inclusive processes that incorporate and build upon employees' insights and perspectives as much as possible and where appropriate.
We strive to design projects and processes that actively engage staff at relevant stages, providing opportunities to influence strategic decisions. We believe this approach enhances decision-making and helps set more informed objectives.