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Information for new employees at IMB

Welcome to the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (IMB)!

We want you to have the best possible start in your new job at the Institute. Here you will find useful information specifically relevant for new employees at IMB and which will help you get started in your new position at Domus Medica.

If you have any further questions, please contact your immediate superior in the first instance.

Finding your way - practical information about Domus Medica

The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences is located at Domus Medica at Gaustad, next to Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet.

Apart from IMB’s base at Domus Medica, the University of Oslo is spread over six locations in Oslo.

Maps of Domus Medica and UiO

All departments and units belonging to the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences are located in the building Domus Medica at Gaustad, immediately adjacent to Oslo University Hospital/Rikshospitalet.

The campus of the University of Oslo is spread over six different locations in Oslo – see an overview over the campus locations and university buildings.

UiO employee ID card and access to Domus Medica

You need a valid and activated UiO employee ID card in order to gain access to Domus Medica outside of the building’s normal opening hours, or to workplaces with restricted access. You use your employee ID card to open doors in UiO buildings and units to which you have authorized access.

Anyone who is employed at UiO for more than three months must have a valid employee ID card bearing their name, photo, date of birth and signature. The ID card is normally issued on or within a few days after your first day of work and needs to be renewed every five years. You obtain your ID card by collecting it in person from the SiO Customer Service in the Kristian Ottosen Building on the main Blindern campus.

NB: Before you go to Blindern to fetch you ID card, you should check that you are registered in UiO’s salary and HR-system SAPDF?, where your personal data are stored, so that you are certain that SiO can issue your card. The easiest way to check this is to ask IMB’s IT Department on Level 1 in Domus Medica. If you have recently arrived in Norway from abroad, it may take longer before your data is registered in SAPDF? because a precondition for registration is that you have received a Norwegian identity number or a so-called temporary D-number. If there is a delay in obtaining your ID-number or D-number, contact the main reception who will issue a temporary access card. 

NB: Remember to activate your UiO employee ID card once you have fetched it from SiO. To do this, go to the Main Reception desk on Level 1 in Domus Medica and the receptionist will send a message to UiO’s Security Operation Centre, asking them to activate your card for the locations that you need access to for your job.

Opening hours and working hours

Normal working hours are from 8 am to 4 pm Monday-Friday.

Note that the Administration and staff working in other support functions are not normally at work on Saturdays, Sundays and other official holidays. See here for more information regarding working hours.

Opening hours at Domus Medica. Before 7 am and after 6 pm on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays, you will need your UiO employee ID card to get in and out of Domus Medica.


In order to obtain keys to your office/laboratory, you must fill out and sign the application form for the issuing of keys.

Your immediate superior or group leader must also sign the form, which should then be taken to the Main Reception desk at Domus Medica, where your key(s) will be issued.

NB: When you leave your job at IMB, it is important to return your key(s) to the Main Reception and to let your immediate superior/group leader know that you have done so.

Door sign

If you need a sign outside your office showing your name and position, your immediate superior should normally have ordered one from the Main Reception Desk. If your door sign is missing, or if your predecessor’s sign has not been removed, contact your immediate superior.

Your profile page on

As a UiO employee, you must make sure your personal presentation is complete and correct so that interested parties can find you under “People – find staff and students” on UiO’s home page. To generate a file that you can edit, please contact IMB’s web editor (e-mail).

Learn how to edit your profile page.

The basic information used to generate your personal profile is automatically sourced from UiO’s HR and salary system SAPDF? and can be found in your UiO user information account brukerinfo – log inn her and choose the tag “Person”. If your personal profile/presentation has not been generated, or you discover that your personal information is incorrect and you need help in amending or supplementing it, send an email to:

Please note that your department, section or group may have certain standardised guidelines for how to describe your work tasks – you should therefore check this with your immediate superior before publishing information about your role or tasks.

Commonly used abbreviations

  • MED: The Faculty of Medicine
  • IMB: The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
  • MOLMED: The Department of Molecular Medicine
  • DM: Domus Medica
  • RH: Rikshospitalet (Oslo University Hospital)
  • ISMO: International Staff Mobility Office
  • HMS: Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
  • LAMU: Local Working Environment Committee
  • BHT: Occupational Health Service Unit
  • SAP: UiO’s salary and HR system
  • SiO: The Student Welfare Organisation of Oslo and Akershus
  • USIT: The University’s Centre for IT services
  • EA: The Estate Department (management/maintenance of university buildings)
  • KPM: The Department of Comparative Medicine
  • BDM: Budget disposition authority
  • UB: The University Library
  • FS: Norwegian national student registration system

Other common abbreviations at UiO


The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences consists of four Departments, one Centre of Excellence Technology Hub, and an Administration comprising of five sections.

The Institute is responsible for teaching basic medical subjects to students taking the Degree in Medicine and the Master Degree in Clinical Nutrition.

The Institute's overall objective is to promote basic medical knowledge in order to understand normal bodily processes, provide insight into mechanisms that cause illness, and promote good health.

Departments and Divisions at IMB

The Administration at IMB

Most of the administrative staff at IMB are located in offices on Level 2, over the canteen, while the IT Department is situated on Level 1 and the Mechanical and Electronics workshops are to be found in the basement.

Below your will find information on the various sections of the administration, their staff and how to contact them:

Advisory Boards and Fora at IMB

There are several different advisory boards and fora at IMB (information in Norwegian only), for example the Institute Advisory Board, which meets several times a year and advises the Head of the Institute on matters of strategy and policy. The Local Working Environment Board (LAMU) aims to maintain and improve the working and learning environment at IMB. The Forum for Research Group Leaders meets once a month and the Engineers’ Forum promotes contact, further training and the exchange of knowledge and experience between laboratory personnel. IMB also has an Administrative Forum, which is a meeting place for all categories of administrative and student advisory staff, and an Education Council for leading teaching staff. In addition, each of the study programmes taught at IMB has its own Advisory Board.

UiO and IMB’s strategy and policy plans

The overriding goal of UiO’s strategic plan is to strengthen UiO’s position as a leading research-intensive university through the interaction between research, education, communication and innovation. In addition, you will find the University’s action plan for gender equality and highlights from UiO’s annual report.

UiO’s strategy is divided into five main chapters with 28 substrategies, which integrate the University’s core activities:

  • Pioneering university
  • Learning university
  • Community-based university
  • Dynamic university
  • Good university

Based on UiO’s central strategy, IMB has drawn up its own strategic plan and aims for the Institute.

IMB aims to be a leading player in the field of basic research which promotes good health and addresses the health challenges of the 21st century.

IMB aims to provide an excellent learning environment in the fields of preclinical medicine and clinical nutrition by means of motivational and research-based teaching of a high standard.

Keeping up to date

Application deadlines and other key activities are available in the Institute’s month-by-month overview of deadlines ("?rshjul" in Norwegian only).

Institute and UiO news and current events can be found towards the bottom of your “For employees page”. Use the “My shortcuts” facility on this page to create links to web pages that are relevant for you and your job.

MED:NYTT is the Medical Faculty’s internal newsletter with up-to-date information on what is going on at the Faculty.

IT-services and access to data

UiO user name and password, IT services and security

Useful information about IT services, access to data and networks, data security and issues related to logging in can be found here. As a new employee, you must contact IMB's IT Department as soon as you start work in order to get your UiO username and password. If you have problems with logging in, do not have a user name or password, want to change your password or need advice on how to create a safe password, please read the information here in the first instance.

If you need more help, contact IMB’s IT Department:    

22 85 12 00

The IT Department is on Level 1 at Domus Medica, near the Section for Anatomy and Physiology, and is clearly sign-posted.

Your UiO email account

It may take a few days before you receive your UiO email address. Your UiO email account is accessible both via Outlook on your UiO computer and remotely via WebMail.

You can manage your UiO email account by logging into User Administration and selecting the tab E-mail.

If you experience problems with your UiO email account, contact IMB’s IT Department:

UiO program kiosk and software updates

UiO’s program kiosk gives you remote access to the home area on your UiO computer and to a large variety of software programs and analytic tools, without the need to install these programs on your own computer. You can access the UiO program kiosk using both PC, Mac and Linux.

Please note that you must contact IMB’s IT Department if you wish to install software updates on your computer – send an email to

Self-service portal

The self-service portal is where all employees must register and apply for holidays and shorter absences. Travel expenses and reimbursements are also managed in the portal. Technical and administrative staff also register working hours.

See central webpages for more information and user guides.

See also DF? webpages for more user guides.

Health, safety and environment (HSE)

It is important that you are familiar with IMB’s health, safety and environment guidelines and procedures.

Note the telephone numbers to UiO’s Security Operation Center. The emergency number is manned 24 hours a day, all year round:

Key information on HSE at IMB

If you have any questions about health, safety and environment at the Institute, contact IMB’s HSE coordinator (you will also find contact information for the laboratory advisors, the senior and local safety representatives and the fire safety officers on this page).

Laboratory work

If your position involves work in a laboratory, you will need to acquaint yourself with the safety procedures and protocols that you must comply with at your laboratory, including procedures for the disposal of hazardous waste and for the reporting of HSE deviations. You should familiarize yourself with the information on laboratory safety as soon as possible after starting work.

Note that you can seek advice on all matters pertaining to laboratory safety and procedures by contacting IMB’s two head laboratory advisors in the Department of Molecular Medicine and the Department of Nutrition respectively.

Your immediate superior is responsible for making sure that you are given the training you need to carry out your job.

It is obligatory for all employees working in a laboratory to attend UiO’s basic HMS course.

Courses, procedures and tools

The Occupational Health Service at UiO

UiO’s Occupational Health Service (BHT) is located on the main UiO campus and provides support to employers, staff, working environment committees and safety representatives with a view to creating safe and robust working conditions.

The unit has specialists and advisors in the fields of occupational health, psycho-social and organisational working environment, ergonomics and occupational hygiene and has a free and independent position when addressing working environment issues.

You can contact BHT about the following issues:

  • Physical, chemical and biological work environment issues (risk assessment, chemical exposure)
  • Work-related health issues (vaccinations, health controls, pregnancy and work)
  • Ergonomics
  • Support in case of psycho-social problems (harassment, bullying, conflicts, burn out etc.)
  • Long-term sick leave
  • Support and advice for both employees and employers regarding work conflicts, work innovation etc.

Contact info

Remember not to send sensitive information by email.

Support and information for research group leaders

IMB has compiled a Handbook for Research Group Leaders (in Norwegian), where you will find useful information about your role and areas of responsibility in the fields of personnel and financial management. Also included is information on the quality assurance system for health and medical research - UiO’s system for ensuring that health research is carried out in accordance with current professional and ethical standards and procedures.  

See central web pages for more information and user guides.

Competence development

IMB wants you as an employee to have the opportunity to develop and acquire new skills and knowledge in line with your position and responsibilities. In the first instance, you should talk to your immediate superior about which courses could be appropriate for you and your job.

UiO offers a wide selection of courses in different fields.

Laboratory engineers

IMB has allocated resources for the competence development of laboratory engineers. Twice yearly, engineers can apply for funds to cover expenses related to relevant courses and conferences. As a rule, financial support will not be awarded for courses considered to be part of laboratory engineers’ basic lab training.

The Engineers’ Forum at IMB

The Engineers’ Forum (Norwegian) is the Institute’s own meeting place for laboratory engineers and represents an important arena for competence development, mutual contact and the exchange of views between the various engineering working environments at IMB.

The forum aims to promote competence development, professional and social interaction and the smooth running of IMB’s systematic HSE working procedures. Between 4-6 meetings are held each year, where subjects for discussion are set by the working group of the Engineers’ Forum, in collaboration with IMB’s Head of Administration and HSE Coordinator.

The Engineers’ Forum is open to all laboratory engineers employed at IMB, regardless of whether your position is externally or internally financed, or whether UiO is your formal employer or not.

UiO’s central web page for new employees

You will find more useful information for new employees at UiO (arranged alphabetically according to subject).

Published Apr. 12, 2019 1:31 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2024 11:00 AM