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IT for new employees

Username and password

To gain access to computer resources at the University of Oslo you will need a username and password. The IT department will provide you with this. The password must be changed within a week, and then at least once a year. You can change your password here: The password is personal and shall not be shared with others.

Saving documents in OneDrive and backup

We recommend OneDrive for saving documents at UiO.

E-mail and calendar

Our e-mail and calendar client is Microsoft Outlook from office computers and Outlook Web app from remote computers (


Office computers are installed with MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and Adobe Reader. You can install other work related programs from Software center, which is available from the Start menu at our office computers. If you have other needs, please contact the IT department:

"Home office"

You can access most IT resources from home or from other remote computers by using the service Programkiosk, or Remote desktop to a terminal server (for all) or office computer (for employees). See manual for Remote desktop connection here.

Wireless network

At UiO you can connect to the wireless network called eduroam. Eduroam is a wireless network that is available at most of the bigger educational institutions around the world, and some public places like Gardermoen airport.

You connect to eduroam with your UiO username ( and password.

Read more about eduroam here.

IT regulations

Users of the University’s IT systems are required to familiarize themselves with the IT regulations.

Published Nov. 4, 2015 1:56 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2022 12:58 PM