Norwegian version of this page

Threat management: Resources for employees

If you experience a threat in connection to your work at UiO, you must immediately notify Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness at or by phone 22 85 66 66 (Security Operation Center). You must also notify your immediate manager.

If in immediate danger, call

Police: 112

Security Operation Center: 22 85 66 66

What should you do next?

Where can you get help?

Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness

We offer:

  • guidance for handling and follow-up of the situation
  • threat assesment and identification of measures
  • security evaluations
  • help to report the incident

Contact us at

Occupational health services

We offer:

  • ?psychological first aid? – a conversation shortly after the incident
  • further follow-up by a psychology specialist if needed

Contact us at

Department of personell support

We offer:

  • personell-related management if needed
  • legal support
  • information handling
  • coordination and follow-up with other internal resources

Contact us at

Relevant courses

Risk assessment and the ability to act is crucial to minimise damage in the case of a serious situation. UiO therefore offers courses in threat management for both managers and employees. The courses are for the most part held in Norwegian.

We can also tailor courses specifically to your needs. Contact Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness or Occupational health services for more information.

More information: On the Safe Side

LogoOn the Safe Side ( is a website that provides you with user-friendly training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations.

See also


Do you have questions about threat assesment and management at UiO? Email us at

See also