Career day for early career researchers

The Faculty of Social Sciences aims to support early career researchers in their next step through its annual career day.

The career day is intended for researchers at postdoctoral level at the Faculty of Social Sciences, but is also open for other staff early in their academic career. It is an opportunity for networking between early career researchers across the Faculty's different departments and centres. 


The deadline for registration has passed, contact Marit Eldholm for enquiries about participation.

The programme is similar to the first career day in January 2023, and thus targets primarily those who did not attend last year.

Feedback from participants, January 2023:

"It was a great day to share information and know other postdocs at the faculty level."

"I found the day useful, in particular to know about grant proposal writing and the resources available to develop that skill. The presenters were all well prepared and professional and gave a good impression of the UiO."

  • Overall learning outcome: 20/20 very good or good
  • Useful for career development planning: 18/20 strongly agree or agree

Kindly note that the event is not open to PhD candidates.


09:00   Coffee and icebreakers

09:15   Welcome, Tore Nilssen, Pro-Dean of Research

09:30   Session I: Proposal writing  

Funding opportunities for early career researchers

Stina Petersen and Roman Volchenkov, Senior Advisers External Funding

Stina and Roman will present the main individual bottom-up grants available for early career researchers: the Norwegian Research Council’s Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists and Researcher Project with International Mobility, as well as the EU’s MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships and ERC Starting Grants.

How to write a winning research proposal

Marit Eldholm, Senior Adviser External Funding

Writing a winning proposal requires skills, training and team work. Marit will give some tips and strategies for the writing process to increase the chances for success.

10:45   Break

11:00   Session II: Research communication

Communicating your research in a digital world

Daniel Quintana, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Daniel will discuss the opportunities that digital media platforms, such as social media and podcasts, can provide for researchers when communicating research, and how this can help boost their careers. He will also give some tips on how to get started with sharing research on digital media platforms.

12:00-13:00   Lunch

Support from the communications unit

Lise Paulsrud Mj?rlund, Head of Communication

Lise will inform on how the communications unit can be of assistance to researchers who wish to communicate their research, how to interact with journalists, and what support systems the University of Oslo provides.

13:30   Session III: Career planning  

How to plan the future: strategic thinking and time management

Johannes Elgvin, Head of Research and Communication

Focusing on strategic thinking and time management, this last session will help researchers to plan and prioritize in their working life. Johannes will also invite participants to reflect on their career goals through individual reflection and exercises, as a step in setting up their own individual short- and long-term career plan. 

15:00   Setting up a postdoctoral network at the faculty

15:15   End of programme

Published Nov. 6, 2023 10:49 PM - Last modified Jan. 3, 2024 3:58 PM