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Research Leadership Programme – Consolidating level 2024 (FLP16)

Since 2007, the University of Oslo (UiO) has offered a leadership development programme tailored specifically for experienced research leaders on the operational level, such as group leaders, heads of research centres/programmes, and leaders of large-scale international collaboration projects. The programme is offered biannually and has so far been attended by a more than 600 research leaders.

Note: In 2024 the programme is offered in Norwegian, and a basic understanding of Danish is necessary.

Target group

The programme is intended for experienced research leaders on the operational level. The programme has the capacity of 40 participants. A number of places (up to 15) are available for applicants from other institutions than UiO. To be admitted, the applicant is expected to:

  • have leadership responsibility for one or several research groups, a center or strategic initiative, or a large externally funded project with several employees
  • have some years of experience with research leadership (as a group leader, project manager, head of a research centre, etc.)
  • be able to participate in all four joint events.

Programme content

The programme aims to give participants:

  • A good theoretical foundation for reflection on the role of research leaders
  • Knowledge of the various tools that can support good leadership in practice
  • An understanding of research organisation and how to handle typical dilemmas in research leadership
  • A firm understanding of your role as a research leader and a solid basis for your own leadership development

Using a combination of experience sharing, case studies and exercises, the programme maintains a constant and steady focus on the individual participant’s development as a research leader.

The topics covered in the programme relate to three main areas:

  • Leading and developing research groups
  • Leadership challenges related to the framework conditions for research, future research systems and the possibilities both within and outside the organisation
  • Self-awareness and development of personal leadership skills

RLP-Consolidating level is an intensive development programme, and consists of four joint events corresponding to a total of ten days’ study. Active participation is required both during and between the joint events, as well as making yourself familiar with the required course readings.

  • In 2024, the programme is offered in Norwegian. Please visit the Norwegian programme page for more information. 
  • The programme is expected to be offered in English in 2026. Information will be made available in due time before this.
Published Oct. 12, 2021 3:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2023 5:30 PM