Norwegian version of this page

Leadership and organisational development

Leadership development programmes

The leadership development programmes aim at clarifying the leadership role and developing leadership skills and personal qualities. Currently, three types of programmes are offered:

Management courses

Management courses aim to increase the awareness of skills, to provide knowledge about them and to improve specific skills that are important in various leadership roles. Examples of these can be communication training or conflict handling.

Upcoming courses:

, Lucy Smiths hus, Hannah Ryggen-rommet, 10.etg
, Lucy Smiths hus, Hannah Ryggen-rommet (1004)

See also

Organisational development

The Department of Personnel Support offers counselling with various challenges regarding organisational development, systematic work environment development, conflict handling and team and leadership development.

Units and local working environment committees can also order tailor-made courses within organizational development at the Occupational Health Service Unit, see courses offered (Norwegian).


External collaborative partners

To assist UiO in organisational development, a framework agreement has been signed with seven external consultancy firms (Norwegian) in the fields of leadership and organisational development. When in need of assistance in these fields, consultants from one or more of our external collaborative partners may be used.


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