International agreements on joint supervision are governed by, amongst others:
- Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Oslo
- Guidelines for international cooperation on doctoral degrees (joint degrees)
1. The purpose of these guidelines is to support international cooperation in the research training at UiO, and to facilitate mobility for PhD candidates. The guidelines define the borders between supervision and degree cooperation on the PhD level, and regulate the scope of joint supervision agreements that the faculties may enter into without requiring an institutional framework agreement.
2. Joint supervision agreements shall be understood as international agreements on the joint supervision of individual PhD candidates. The agreements shall give added academic value to the candidates’ doctoral work and shall be documented on the transcript of records.
3. The faculties may enter into joint supervision agreements for individual candidates that cover academic, practical, and financial conditions of the cooperation. Such agreements may not deviate from the Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Oslo. The agreement shall be signed by the parties to the cooperation and the dean or faculty director.
4. Cooperation that deviates from the Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Oslo requires an institutional framework agreement. Such agreements shall be signed by the rector.
5. Cooperation that involves the conferral of joint or double degrees shall comply with the Guidelines for international cooperation on doctoral degrees (joint degrees).