Presentation of Ottersen's Rector team

The Rector team for 2013-2017 will consist of Rector and Pro-Rector candidates Ole Petter Ottersen and Ruth V. Fjeld together with Vice-Rector Ragnhild H. Hennum.

Ole Petter Ottersen

Ole Petter Ottersen became Professor of Medicine in 1992. He headed the Department of Anatomy from 1997 to 1999 and was Dean of Research at the Faculty of Medicine from 2000 to 2002. 

Mr Ottersen is the incumbent Rector of the University of Oslo, a post to which he was elected in 2009. He has headed one of UiO’s multidisciplinary initiatives (Interfacultary Unit for Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, EMBIO) and one of the major programmes of the Research Council of Norway (National Program for Functional Genomics in Norway, FUGE). He coordinated two projects under the EU Framework Programme. He has also headed one of the University’s Centres of Excellence, the Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN), from 2002 to 2009 and one of the three first Nordic Centres of Excellence in Molecular Medicine. 

Ottersen has received several research prizes, including the Anders Jahre Prize for Medical Research and Lundbeck’s Nordic Research Prize. Engaged in international evaluations for many years, Ottersen also chaired the panel for neurosciences and neural disorders at the European Research Council (ERC) from 2008 throughout the year 2012.

From 2006 to 2009 he was chief editor of Neuroscience (the official Journal of the International Brain Research Organization). Ottersen has given classes to medical students since 1976. Quality of education, internationalization and science communication are among his key interests.. 

Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld

Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld became Professor of Scandinavian linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies in 1998, specializing in lexicography and lexicology. She has headed the Seksjon for leksikografi og målføregransking (Section for lexicography and dialect research) and led several projects within the field of lexicography and dictionary work.

Ms Fjeld has been a member of the research committee at the Faculty of Humanities for several years and participated on various national and international committees and panels. She has also taken part in international research projects, especially in Scandinavia, and she has led the work to establish lexicography as an independent research discipline in Norway. She has written several esteemed textbooks and dictionaries. Currently she is in charge of the construction of Leksikografisk bokmålskorpus (LBK) a lexicographic corpus of the Norwegian language, practical and theoretical lexicography and computerized lexicography.

Fjeld is also in the process of developing a computerized, readable word net of Norwegian and she is the managing editor of Bokmålsordboka, the authoritative dictionary of the Norwegian written language (bokmål). She is the only person in Norway who teaches theoretical lexicography. Fjeld has been a language consultant at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK for a number of years, a consultant for the 2011 translation of the Bible (Bibel 2011), and she has had many elected offices and managing positions in academic contexts.

She is now a board member of Euralex, the European Association for Lexicography. Fjeld has been the head of the Nordic Association for Lexicography and co-editor and chief editor of LexicoNordica.

Ragnhild Hennum

Ragnhild Hennum is a Professor of Law at the Department of Public and International Law. She obtained her cand. jur (LLB) degree from the University of Oslo in 1991, and earned her doctorate at the same university in 1999. From 1992 to 2003 she held a variety of positions at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law: researcher, PhD research fellow, post-doctoral fellow and university lecturer. In 2004 Hennum became Associate Professor at the Department of Public and International Law and in 2007 she became a Professor.

The majority of Hennum’s scientific work concerns criminal law/criminal procedure and the sociology of law. In addition to her doctoral dissertation entitled “Bevis i saker om seksuelle overgrep mot barn” (Evidence in child sexual abuse cases), she has published articles on sentencing, the legal aspects of euthanasia, sexual violence in general, preventive detention and forced marriage. She teaches criminal procedure and criminal law.

As of 2009, Hennum has been the Vice-Rector in the Ottersen/Bostad Rectorate. As Vice-Rector, Hennum has worked particularly with questions related to work environment and learning environment and contact with representatives. Hennum is also in charge of handling matters that concern both the academic and administrative line of authority.

Download Election programme (pdf)

Published Mar. 5, 2013 9:28 AM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2013 10:51 AM