The University Board's Appointment Committee recruited Ruyter on 19 March, 2019, in the position as academic ombud for both the humanities and social sciences area and the medical and natural sciences area in a total of 80% position for a period of 3 years.
The academic ombud shall be an independent assistance person, who is tasked with providing guidance and advice to academic employees who are in a problematic research ethical situation . The ombud can also act as an informal broker. The position is independent of the rest of the organisation.
Knut Willem Ruyter is 64 years old and has been affiliated with UiO since 1990. He received his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Theology in 1995. Ruyter has extensive experience and knowledge of research ethics. He has, among other things, worked on research ethics for the National Research Ethics Committees under the Norwegian Research Council, and for the Regional Committees for Medicine and Health Research Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine. He is now employed as a director of department at the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics for the South-Eastern Norway Health Region (REK) at the Faculty of Medicine, and in the position of professor II at the Theological Faculty.