Previous events - Page 4
Speaker: Magnus Dehli Vigeland, Digital solutions for genomic medicine, Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital
The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNL) honour Nansen’s ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience, and since 10.10.10 the event is part of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters annual Nansen-celebration.
Should we allocate more resources to interdisciplinary environmental research? Reduce air travel by half? Let climate and the environment permeate all study programs? Employees and students are invited to have their say and put their mark on UiO's new climate and environmental strategy.
Speaker: Mats Stensrud, Associate Professor, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
The University of Oslo’s North-South Committee is holding a panel debate on the role of South perspectives in UiO’s input to the Government’s Long Term Plan for Research and Higher Education (LTP). The North-South Committee’s role is to highlight cooperation with the global South.
Speakers: Céline Cunen, Postdoc, and Nils Lid Hjort, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo.
The NorMIC series of workshops aims to teach biological researchers (PhD students, engineers, postdocs and young PIs) the principles of biological microscopes and image processing.
Speakers: Bettina Kulle Andreassen and Natalie St?er, Cancer Registry of Norway.
John Erik Fossum and Jarle Trondal offer the PhD course ‘A differentiated Europe and its implications’.
Application deadline: 13 April 2021.
For all researchers within health and medical research.
NCMM's annual national PhD course in molecular medicine will feature a number of talks from leading researchers. Please note that the course will now take place entirely online.
Speaker: Juho Rousu, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland.
The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNL) honour Nansen’s ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience, and since 10.10.10 the event is part of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters annual Nansen-celebration.
Keeping the brain in shape is a prerequisite for good life, and particularly at old age, when age-associated diseases encroach upon us. Here we get updated on the current advances.
Speaker: Ville Mustonen, Professor, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme, Department of Computer Science and Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland.
A broad partnership of Norwegian Universities and the institute sector is now initiating the Norwegian Network for the Promotion of SSH-perspectives in Horizon Europe (NOSSH).
Florian Markowetz, Group Leader, Integrative Cancer Biology Team, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.
Speaker: Jan Beyersmann, Professor, Institute of Statistics, Ulm University, Germany.
As part of the Oslo Life Science Conference 2020, the G?zen group at NCMM will exhibit a range of their microscopy images at the Kunstplass Contemporary Art Exhibition Space in central Oslo.
We invite you to travel in a low-carbon and engaging way from Oslo to the SDG Conference Bergen in February 2020.
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of molecular medicine topics relevant to:
- Disease mechanisms and development
- Translational medicine
- The future of diagnostics and targeted therapies integrated to stratified, tailored and personalized medicine.
This year's main prize goes to Professor Carl-Henrik Heldin, Uppsala University. The prize for younger researchers is shared between Dr. Jenny Mj?sberg at Karolinska Institutet and Dr. Lars Tjelta Westlye at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.
Speaker: Tero Aittokallio, Professor at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology and at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway.
Through the rise of YouTube and Facebook, our online behavior has become a commodity that is bought and sold. Algorithms are made in a way to make us addicted, and we are fed increasingly more extreme content to keep us tuned in.
Speaker: Maud Fagny, Postdoctoral fellow, Le Moulon, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Paris-Sud University, France and French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), AgroParisTech, University of Paris-Saclay, France