The Jahre Lectures 2024

Open lectures by this year's winners of the Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research, Lauri Aaltonen, Thomas Helleday, Nicolai Albrechtsen and Nicholas Taylor.

Collage med portrettbilder av vinnere og prismedaljen
The 2024 award winners, Professor Lauri Aaltonen, professor Thomas Helleday, lektor Nicolai Albrechtsen og lektor Nicholas Taylor (foto: Veikko Somerpuro, Ulf Sirborn, Det Unge Akademi og Steffen Gammelgaard)


  • 10.00–10.10 Welcome by Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo
  • 10.10–10.15 Presentation of Nicolai Albrechtsen by Ludvig M. Sollid
  • 10.15–10.40 Lecture by lecturer Nicolai Albrechtsen
  • 10.40-10.45 Presentation of Nicholas Taylor by Ludvig M. Sollid
  • 10.45-11.10 Lecture by Nicholas Taylor
  • 11.10-11.55 Lunch
  • 11.55-12.00 Presentation of Thomas Helleday by Ludvig M. Sollid
  • 12.00-12.35 Lecture by Thomas Helleday
  • 12.35-12.40 Presentation of Lauri Aaltonen by Ludvig M. Sollid
  • 12.40-13.15 Lecture by Lauri Aaltonen 
  • 13.15-13.20 Closing remarks by Ludvig M. Sollid


The lectures are free and open to everyone, but require registration by 2 November.

Go to registration

The award ceremony will be held in the University Aula later in the day, and is also open to everyone (information in Norwegian only).


More about Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research

Published Sep. 13, 2024 2:35 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2024 2:35 PM