Previous events - Page 38
ESOP seminar. Giulia La Mattina is an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida. She will present a paper entitled "Assortative Mating, Intergenerational Transmission and Inequality: Evidence from Birth Weight using Parental Grandmother Fixed Effects", co-authored by Osea Giuntella, and Climent Quintana-Domeque.
In this lunch seminar, Morten Jerven, Professor of Development Studies (NMBU) will discuss the increasing role of indicators and statistics in Development and Global Health policies. The seminar is part of the series Global Health Unpacked.
The first GPIU symposium in Norway. Open to all interested health personnel and the general public.
Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, Hasok Chang, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Chang focuses on history and philosophy of chemistry and physics from the 18th century onward; philosophy of scientific practice; other topics in the philosophy of science, including realism, pluralism, pragmatism, measurement, and evidence.
The seminar is open for everyone!
Kimberley Dodge-Kafka, Associate Professor at the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Connecticut, will give a lecture titled, "mAKAP- a master regulator of cardiac hypertrophy"
Ageliki Lefkaditou is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Lefkaditou is senior curator at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology (NTM) and a historian of science. She is writing on the history of physical anthropology, human population genetics, race and racism from late 19th century to present with a specific interest in Greece. Her interests include the development of museum theory, methods and practices, public understanding of science and science communication. Lefkaditou is the co-curator of the upcoming exhibit FOLK at NTM.
Howard Young from the Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada will give a lecture titled, 'Correlating Structure and Function of Human Genetic Variants in Calcium Homeostasis and Cardiac Contractility'
ESOP seminar. J?rn-Steffen Pischke is a Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics. He will present a paper entitled "Poorly Measured Confounders are More Useful on the Left Than on the Right", co-authored by Zhuan Pei, and Hannes Schwandt.
ESOP seminar. Kjetil Storesletten is a Professor at UiO. He will present a paper entitled ""Barriers to Entry and Regional Economic Growth in China", co-authored by Loren Brandt, and Gueorgui Kambourov.
Professor i historie, Teemu Ryymin kommer til Forum for Vitenskapsteori for ? innlede under tittelen: Hvilken rolle spiller historikerne og historiefaget i norsk politikkutvikling?
Seminaret er ?pent for alle!
ESOP seminar. Mortiz Lenel is a research fellow at the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago. He will present a paper entitled "Safe Assets, Collateralized Lending and Monetary Policy".
Imre V?strik, Research Coordinator in the Bioinformatics Team at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) will give a talk titled, "TheDB - a smart integrated IT systemfor managing and analysing precision medicine data"
ESOP seminar. Eivind Hammersmark is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Oslo. He will present a paper entitled "Ethnic diversity, elections and violent conflict in Africa".
Monika B?r?e Nerland, Professor of Education and leader for the research group ‘Expert cultures and institutional dynamics: Studies in higher education and work’ at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Education, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series.
The Lecture is open for everyone!
B?r?e Nerland specializes in research on knowledge cultures and epistemic practices in professional education and work, with a particular interest in how ways of generating and sharing knowledge influence educational practices and development of expertise. Together with colleagues she has led and been involved in several projects that investigated these issues in different professions through a comparative approach.
This third seminar of the series Global Health Unpacked will explore the growing relations between health and the military. Should the military intervene in health crises? Can health be used to win "the hearts and minds" during a conflict? How to protect the health sector in civil conflicts?
ESOP seminar. Todd Schoellman is an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University. He will present a paper entitled "The Changing Roles of Family Income and Academic Ability for US College Attendance", co-authored by Lutz Hendricks, and Chris Herrington.
Dr. Eivind Valen, Group Leader at the Computational Biology Unit of the University of Bergen, will present the lecture "Searching for function in the dark matter of the genome."
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Based on his own research and that of others, Edward Miguel discussed how extreme climate changes impact the economy.
Jason Brennan, Robert J. and Elizabeth Flanagan Family Term Associate Professor at Georgetown University, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series (in cooperation with Department of Political Science, UiO). He specializes in politics, philosophy, and economics.
The seminar is open for everyone!
IOB hosts a mini-seminar on molecular changes in aging with two invited speakers from the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of Copenhagen.
Welcome to the next Oslo University Hospital (OUH) Research Seminar: "Individualised Cancer Treatment"
ESOP seminar. Alice Guerra is an Assistant Professor at the Copenhagen Business School. She will present a paper entitled "Culture, Tax Evasion and Tax Morale: An Experimental Study of Italy and Denmark", co-authored by Brooke Harrington.
Michail Sitkovsky, Professor and Director of the New England Inflammation and Tissue Protection Institute at the Northeastern University College of Science, Boston, USA, will give a guest lecture titled, 'Anti-Hypoxia/HIF-1alpha and anti-A2A-Adenosinergic Co-adjuvants to enable the rejection of the most therapy-resistant tumors'
ESOP seminar. Pamela Giustinelli is an Assistant Professor at Bocconi University. She will present a paper entitled "Tail and Center Rounding of Probability Expectation in the Health and Retirement Study", co-authored Charles F. Manski, and Francesca Molinari.
Dr. Christopher Yau, Reader in Computational Biology based in the Centre for Computational Biology at the University of Birmingham will give a lecture titled, "Probabilistic modelling approach for pseudotime estimation in single cells and populations."