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Previous events - Page 26

Time and place: , SUM, Sandakerveien 130

How to strengthen global cooperation to prevent future pandemics? In this seminar, Adam Kamradt-Scott will discuss different proposals currently being negotiated, such as a new pandemic treaty or revising existing international instruments.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johansgate 47

Anders Jahre’s Senior Medical Prize for 2021 is awarded to Professor Poul Nissen, the Director of the Nordic EMBL Partnership’s Danish node, DANDRITE. On the occasion he will talk about his work at the Jahre lectures. 

Time and place: , Kulturhuset

Tankesmien Agenda og Senter for Utvikling og Milj? (SUM) inviterer til boklansering og paneldiskusjon om boka ?Do Gooders at the End of Aid. Scandinavian Humanitarianism in the 21st Century?.

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

China’s rise to superpower status is the most important geopolitical change of our time. On November 3rd we are excited to host two international experts on this topic, Elizabeth Economy and Shaun Breslin, in discussion with China correspondent for the New York Times, Amy Qin. 

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrom 1

Sophia Efstathiou is a Researcher (Forsker) at the Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She is currently leading the international KLIMAFORSK project MEATigation: Towards sustainable meat use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation (2020-24), and the Norwegian participation in the H2020 project ISEED: Inclusive Science and European Democracies (2021-24).  

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram

Does climate panic cost us billions of dollars, harm the poor, and slow down transition to a better world?Arne N?ss seminars, Wigestrand Forlag and Norwegian Business School (BI) invite to a book debate with Bj?rn Lomborg, Bj?rn H. Samset and Atle Midttun. 

Time and place: , Zoom

The Centre for Gender Research and the FRONT project are hosting the first event in the seminar series Gender Inequality and Precarity in Academia in the European Context. In this webinar, Sevil Sümer will discuss the concept of gendered academic citizenship, focusing particularly on problems experienced by early-career academics, or “transitional” academic citizens.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrom 1
Philip Kitcher is the John Dewey Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. His work is highly influential within the philosophy of science and beyond, and some of his research interests lie in the ethical and political constraints on scientific research, the evolution of altruism and morality, and the seeming conflict between science and religion. He was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002, and the American Philosophical Association awarded him its inaugural Prometheus Prize in 2006 for lifetime achievement in “expanding the frontiers of science and philosophy.” 
Time and place: , Seminar room S104.016, Akershus University Hospital, 1478, Norway and Zoom
Time and place: , Zoom

Welcome to this seminar, where Danica Kragic, Professor at the School of Computer Science and Communication at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, will talk about human action modelling and human-robot collaboration.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators, Magnus Aronsen, Associate Professor and Head of the Experimental Cardiology Group at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO, and Alicia Llorente, Senior Scientist at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, will present their research as part of the NCMM Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , Zoom

International Webinar on Chinese Multilateralism and its Impact on Environmental and Democratic Governance in Africa and Latin America

Time and place: , ZOOM

Professor Johanne Sundby from the Department of Community Medicine and Global Health, turns 70! We welcome you to join her celebration seminar on Zoom.

Time and place: , Zoom (

Emma Vikstr?m has a PhD in education and is currently working as a researcher and lecturer in the teacher training programme at ?rebro University, Sweden. Her research interests lie in the fields of the history of education and history of ideas and focus on historical change regarding educational goals and means. She will be presenting some parts of her recently published thesis on eugenics and education in Ellen Key’s work. 

Time and place: , Digital seminar in Zoom

Department seminar. Guido Tabellini is Professor of Economics at Bocconi University. He will present the paper: Economic Shocks and Populism: The Political Implications of Reference-Dependent Preferences (with Fausto Panunzi and Nicola Pavoni)

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

‘Common prosperity’ is an important goal for the future development of the Chinese economy. This is a response to several decades of increasing inequality during the reform era. Which groups of the Chinese population have so far missed out on the advantages of rapid economic growth? What is their situation?

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators Axel Sandvig, head of the Integrative Neuroscience Group at NTNU, and Kalle Malmberg, head of the Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy at Oslo University Hospital, will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen

Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, Associate Professor at Aarhus University, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series.

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators, Nils Halberg, Associate Professor, University of Bergen, and Simona Chera, Professor at the University of Bergen, will present their research as part of NCMM's Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , SUM, Sandakerveien 130

Welcome to a workshop with three Czech environmentalists

Time and place: , Zoom

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a digital talk with Rodney Harrison, Professor of Heritage Studies at UCL, on Wednesday September 8th.

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

China’s economic reforms have caused rapid growth for a period of forty years. The Chinese Communist Party’s gradualist approach to reform was not inevitable. What were the alternative routes and why were they abandoned? What new obstacles for further Chinese economic development may change its future course?

Time and place: , Zoom

NCMM Associate Investigators, Dr. Even Rustad, Akershus University Hospital and Oslo University Hospital, and Rune Enger, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, will present their research as part of the NCMM Tuesday seminar series.

Time and place: , Zoom

What are the connections between food production and pandemics? 6 experts give their perspectives.